Ooooohhhh... Scary...

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See the problem is that you even let the conversation get as far as you did. Next time do what I do... Someone says nice bike, I say "yeah, thanks... later"

Did I mention I'm not a people person?
LOL, just try saying something pro-immigration on a gun board and watch the spittle hit the monitors ...
What exactly does "pro-immigration" mean?

Does that mean that people should be able to come here to become citizens legally?

Does it mean that people should be able to work here temporarily, then go home?

Does it mean that anybody should be able to walk across the border, any time they want, with no controls?

Does it mean that Mexicans are inherently superior to Haitians, and that the former have a right to be here, but not the latter?

Does it mean that once here, a convicted felon who enters illegally has the right to stay forever?

In fact, I've seen pretty much EVERY point of view in one firearms forum or another, from Nazi to Marxist-Leninist, and everything in between.
That's really odd, I've been to OKC and it didn't strike me as the kind of place where you would run into many people who are anti-NRA. Those who are anti-NRA should also have enough exposure to not get bent out of shape, mabey he was a transplant from San Fransico.

To temper peoples' reactions (and because I think it's funny) I have this sticker right next to my NRA sticker.

LOL, just try saying something pro-immigration on a gun board and watch the spittle hit the monitors ...

I would bet that if we ran a poll asking how gun-owners on this board felt about LEGAL immigrants coming here, better than 60% would have no problem at all.

It is ILLEGAL aliens who violate our laws and come here loaded with disease and willing to commit crimes we do not want.
Agree with Pax, the 'other side' always behave worse than your own side.
Regardless of any 'facts'.
I have to be honest. I've seen my share of anti-gunners and Holocaust deniers, and their behavior is so fundamentally similar that they're hard to tell apart. They're both bigoted pathological liars. Of course there's a certain amount of overlap too.
i bet he was gay, and when he saw the nra sticker he just went on about his way! :neener: :neener:

Stick around and read the threads, you may learn some things about folks who are gay and are in the NRA.
Well that immigration comment brought some quick responses. I was going to say the same thing. It is the failure to distinguish between legal/illegal that gets under my skin.

I have seen plenty of liberals down here. Most realize they are in Texas and at least keep things professional. Most of the city people I meet who are not gun owners are of the live and let live philosophy.
I have to be honest. I've seen my share of anti-gunners and Holocaust deniers, and their behavior is so fundamentally similar that they're hard to tell apart. They're both bigoted pathological liars. Of course there's a certain amount of overlap too.

If you ever have the oportunity to voice a non-right wing opinion among a group of some of the more irrational conservatives in this country you will find that lunatics and zeolots behave the same regardless of what they actually believe in.

Of course that ^ is also a generalization. Everyone behaves differently and noone can possibly ever be catogorized in any way despite their best efforts to be a category. We are all unique snowflakes each one special in it's own way.

or not.
I was at a bar one night where I met an attractive lady that was so interested in me that she called in sick to work to continue to hang out and get to know me.

She called in sick to stay at the bar? You sure she wasn't just an alcoholic? :p
pax wrote:
LOL, just try saying something pro-immigration on a gun board and watch the spittle hit the monitors ...
Pax, I am assuming by pro-immigration, you were refering to legal immigration, and not illegal activity. I am pro-gun and I am a firm supporter of legal immigration. I honestly feel that by a large margin, most if not all folks on this forum support legal immigration.
Also, I do beleive that this forum has demonstrated a great deal of tollerance to people of different beliefs, values, and races. There are homosexual members here, African Americans, Hispanics, athiests, people from pretty much all backgrounds.
he certainly could have been gay. But I've known some gay guys (Laguna Beach baby!) and they were about split anti-gun and pro-gun.

Hey man, I'm a libertarian, member of ACLU & NRA, I get haters from BOTH SIDES ripping on me. You've got it easy!
These are the exact words that next left his mouth: "The National Rifle Association - well that'll do it...". He got a worried look on his face and without another sound turned and walked away.

What the heck is up with that?
Well, be thankful the didn't drive a stake through your heart, cut off your head, and stuff your mouth full of garlic.

What happened? Well, you see, when the poor have guns, its much harder for the rich to dominate them. Much harder.
When the poor have guns, its much harder for the rich to dominate them. Much harder.
I don't know. Don't the wealthy dominate just because they own stuff? How often do the poor rise up to take the property of the wealthy by force?
The left thinks that marxism will make everyone equal and provide justice, under their oversight. The right thinks that most will stop working and hold out their hand, every thing else being equal. History shows that the right is RIGHT. The left will try to grab money they are not entitled to for all eternity. To not fight is to let evil win. Not happening today for me!!! If they really believe this, let them move to Cuba and leave me alone.
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