OC sprays; training....
To my knowledge, there are
no restrictions or statues re; pepper spray(OC sprays) in the sunshine state.

is a part of the Florida statue that says you can
not use OC spray on a sworn LE officer.
I asked a investigator about the oz limits for chemical agents & he informed me he never heard of or saw any restrictions/ordinances. The state employee work for the FL Division of Licensing,
www.Mylicensesite.com & retired from JSO(Jacksonville FL) after 35 years.
I'm not a fan of the Mace/pepper gun design. I've purchased & toted a few brands over the years(G security officer). I wanted to get the Sabre Green Crossfire OC spray but it's not a open source item.

The firm only deals in bulk or contracts for LE/military at this time.
I purchased some Mean Green cone style spray;
www.copsplus.com . It's a mark III size & seems potent. I also recently got a larger mark IV size Vexor OC unit(micro-spin) to carry on security details. The Vexor spray is powerful & in use with a few corrections/LE agencies nationwide.
Note; this is a restricted item in some locations, see your local-state laws before you order.
BTW; I advise against the Zarc/Vexor "yellow safety" format. It's awkward to deploy quickly or under stress. It's also not easy to use without
both hands.

Just get the regular "flip top" version. It's safe but fast to use in a critical incident.
I'd add that if you are a FL resident, you may want to get the latest copy of
www.floridafirearmslaw.com . It explains a lot of self defense & gun related Florida statues. It's written by a Winter Park area lawyer who consults a lot of media & law offices on 2A/self defense issues.
Id close by suggesting you get formal training if possible on OC sprays too. These courses run $35-45.00 USD & can
document your proper training in the use/legal issues of chemical agents.
I took a class with a great cadre,
www.S2institute.com in the Tampa area. You may never need to deploy OC but a formal class can show a jury or prosecutor that you took the effort to be properly trained.
yes, I did get sprayed with a diluted Mace spray.