Open Carry Reactions...

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We have let the anti's wear us down, so WE think it's a problem to open carry. I have started on a personal crusade to increase the amount I open carry, and I'd encourage all the High Road to do the same. We need to get people back to the point where a gun is seen as a tool, not a Weapon of Mass Destruction!

I live in a state wear concealed carry has been available to the law abiding for generations. I carry almost everytime I leave the house. I used to live in a large city in AZ. I did open carry my Dan Wesson 44 a few times when stopping at a convenience store going to or from the range. Some people did react, but I think it was more because of the SIZE of the massive revolver. People carried 45's cocked and locked in the bank, at the service station, in the grocery store, anywhere. There was no concealed carry in AZ in those days.

While I certainly don't object to open carry, I don't do it much myself except in the woods. When I carried open in AZ, I was always nervous about who was behind me or beside me on my strong side. If you don't believe you can be shot with your own gun, just ask the officer and dispatcher just murdered in my state by a prisoner with the officer's gun. When carrying open in an urban area, I have a few of concerns:

1. I may get busy doing my shopping at Walmart or may be in an awkward position getting the can of beans off the top shelf for the little old lady that can't reach it. This may give some nut an opportunity to grab my gun. This could be fatal to me or someone else and could also open up a whole lot of civil and criminal liabilities that could change my life forever.

2. If someone with criminal intent comes into some place where I am with their gun drawn, they are liable to shoot first and think later if they see someone with a gun on. Of course it could discourage them from trying something if it is not already in progress when they see you.

3. I think carrying openly in urban areas when you can carry concealed may have the effect of scaring all the soccer moms into political activism to stop the practice.

I carry concealed all the time, and I carry open when I need to. I just don't need to carry open in town most of the time. Just be careful if you do.

Roll Tide

A buddy took me to a place just outside of town (Cedar City, southern Utah) to shoot. He had the .357 and about 50 extra rounds wraped around the leather belt/holster. Nobody flinched.
Originaly posted by: Rickstir
This is farm country, my friends all know if they are around me, most of the time I am packing. You should see the Jehova Witnesses perk up when I come to the door.

And how exactly do they Perk up?

Ask what make/model it is? or do they just have a look of bleh, just a 92FS...:D;)
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