Opinions on a good quality production folder

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I've had excellent luck with Steel Warrior, Frost, and M Tech knives. They're low cost but well built with good steel that's easy to keep razor sharp.

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Some I'm considering are the Benchmade Mini-Griptillian, Buck Vantage, Spyderco Native.

Permit me to specifically endorse the Vantage Avid. Done in 13c26 Sandvik steel with Dymondwood handles.

I have found that it carries well, applies well to a broad range of tasks, takes and holds an excellent edge, and (happily) is very reasonably priced.

I've seen the Vantage Pro (S30V with G-10), and it's a fine knife, but the G-10 is too rough for my pockets, and I'm more comfortable with the 13c26 steel, so the Pro would not be for me.

Spyderco does several worthy models, and I'm pretty sure you'd be happy with the Native. They also have a model or two that is "full flat ground" (FFG), and blades of that kind perform very well in straight up cutting and slicing tasks.

I'd say you're on the right track.

I've carried a Spyderco Delica the last 5-6 years................seen others but why change if it's works?
I can say that both the SOG's (Trident Tanto [current EDC], Flash II) have been flawless for me.

Both were sub-$70.
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