O'Reilly: "Kerry is a big gun guy"

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Apr 16, 2003
O'Reilly interviewed Ben Affleck tonight and in the interview, Affleck mentioned he isn't liberal down the line. For example, he believes in the 2nd Amendment.

O'Reilly chimed in: "Then you'll like Kerry. He's a hunter, a big gun guy."

:scrutiny: :rolleyes:

I generally like O'Reilly and his style of journalism, but his ignorance on gun issues really grates on me.

As most of us know, Kerry is a major anti-gun bigot.
Can't say I'm surprised. This is coming from the same guy who supports the AWB because "people don't need bazookas and machine guns in their homes". :rolleyes:
This is the same O'Reilly that told Larry Pratt that 'nobody needs to own a bazooka'.

He's obviously clueless. And a statist to boot.
I wouldn't trust Affleck any more than I trust O'Reilly on RKBA issues--they're both Northeasterners in the entertainment industry and if you scrape away the veneer of "2nd Amendment Supporter" there's the all-too common body of gun control just beneath. As for Lurch and RKBA "support", :barf:

TFL Survivor
He's obviously clueless

And he's also a prime example of how the Brady Bunch pulled off a perfectly-executed propaganda campaign on this issue. They even have a significant number of gun owners believing this nonsense.

But O'Reilly has never before let his ignorance of an issue prevent him from smugly asserting his opinion about it on national television, so this isn't surprising.
And he's also a prime example of how the Brady Bunch pulled off a perfectly-executed propaganda campaign on this issue. They even have a significant number of gun owners believing this nonsense.
It's time we quite being nice. The liberals have successfully redefined issues:
"for the second amendment" is now about hunting
abortion is now about choice (remember is used to be "it's not a life"?)
guns are now assault weapons

Maybe instead of higher taxes we should say "people choosing what to do with their own money"
or "for the second amendment" is now about the right to self-defense, the right to control our own bodies.
There was a little positivity when Affleck mentionoed as an example of an issue that he disagrees with the party on: gun control. He then said that he believes in the entire BoR, including the 2nd Amendment. They didn't get into it any farther than that, but there it was. O'Reilley ruined the moment with his 'Kerry is a big gun guy' ignorant nonsense.

- Gabe
I watch him sometimes, but really, he has very little knowledge about anything, but pretends to be an expert on everything.

He and his researchers need to do a much better job -- but why should they? He is an entertainer, and as long as his ratings are high, he has no incentive to do better.

I happened to catch his radio show one day last week when I was in the car -- he contended that Sarin gas is not a "Weapon of Mass Destruction" but anthrax is.:scrutiny:
If you folks would stop watching this clown - maybe they'd take his show off the air. I used to like him til a few months ago he spouted off on the AWB - I haven't watched him since then and found I don't really miss his entertainment value.
I watched him until the day after 911. On the evening of 911, he had some poor soul who did not know where his relative/friend was and O'Reilly started slamming his fist stating "I want your emotions, I want your emotions!"
Asbolutely, one of the most cold, calous things I have ever witnessed on TV. This person upset about the absence/death of a friend and all O'Reilly wanted was to capture his emotions.

I would have given him some emotions.
The liberals have successfully redefined issues:

Probably more accurate to say "Democrats" than "liberals," since the latter is supposed to mean "open-minded, tolerant, progressive." Those are good things. I don't think those qualities actually apply to either of the big two parties, by and large. To my mind, they both tend to be close-minded and biased in their ways, working on old assumptions or prejudices.

"for the second amendment" is now about hunting
abortion is now about choice (remember is used to be "it's not a life"?)
guns are now assault weapons

Maybe instead of higher taxes we should say "people choosing what to do with their own money"
or "for the second amendment" is now about the right to self-defense, the right to control our own bodies.

Exactly. When someone says "poweful gun lobby," turn it around into "powerful civil liberties advocates." Put the Second Amendment right back up their with the First (where it literally is, of course), instead of letting it be treated like the ugly step-child of the Constitution. Rhetoric is the weapon of choice in this battle, as anti-RKBA advocates have successfully shown.

Remind people that we shouldn't have to always prove why we citizens need or want something--like guns for self-defense or sport. Rather, the government needs to present utterly compelling reasons to take rights or possessions away. Afaik, it hasn't yet produced truly compelling anti RKBA arguments, only emotional ones.

The government exists to serve us, not control us, but the fear generated by anti-RKBA rhetoric plays on people's natural tendency to relinquish sovereignty when the going gets tough. (Witness the so-called "Patriot Act.")
I believe O'Reilly was being sarcastic. On his radio program, he pointed out how Kerry was trying to pass himself off as being a "gun guy" in the campaign ad that showed him "hunting". More than likely that was just another photo op.

Based on what I've heard on his radio show, I don't for a minute believe that O'Reilly really thinks Kerry is a "gun guy".
O'reilly has no clue about guns or the 2nd Amendment.I listen to the radio show on my way to work but often just turn him off.He is very annoying and has that classic New Yorker "charm".:rolleyes:
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