Orlob Occluder

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Aug 12, 2013
west coast
Has anyone used one of these rear sights on a pistol for target shooting?

They move the rear sight forward in a tunnel so only your dominant eye sees it and the front sight for faster target acquisition. (when shooting with both eyes open.)

Anyone used this sight? anyone?

be safe.
I have not used the product, but based on the product review & pics at http://westernshootingjournal.com/productreviews/orlob-occluder-sights/ , two things come to mind:
1) sight radius looks to be significantly reduced, so longer-range shots might be more difficult
2) such a modification sure doesn't look like it would be permitted for IDPA match competition

Aside from that, it looks like an innovative way to overcome the cross-dominant eye issue.
Local level 1 IDPA shooter has one.

Unfortunately they dont make em for 1911's, and the shooter swears by the damn thing.

Would love to try it out, but the website doesnt return inquiry emails.

Dunno how much sight radius you lose, if you still have the barrel/gun length.

oh well. be safe
Hmm, I have sent several emails to Orlob via your website. Have not received an answer of any kind.

Do you make sights for a Sig 1911?

be safe.
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