Otis LifeLiner

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Apr 29, 2008
LifeLiner nano ceramic fusion lifetime gun bore liner.
These people claim that their product lets the bullet float out of the barrel without even touching the metal. Claims barrel life is indefinite. Increases accuracy by 80%, increase velocity by 10%, and used barrel velocity increases up to 33%. Also claims to give an 800% increase in barrel surfacewear resistance andendurance.

Is there any truth to this or is this just some NINJA **** hitting the market.
Well thanks and sorry if this a repost or just beating someones already dead horse.
The guy who sells Nanolube says his snake oil is better.

But I thought I might try the Otis flavor. I have a takeoff .308 barrel that was decently accurate but not wonderful and an 80% increase in accuracy would make it a winner.
I've seen their ads in the gun mags for the past couple months and I was wondering about this too.

Maybe the box o'truth guys could do a little test.
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