Participated in a "straw" purchase today...

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[QUOTE="hemiram] What makes people like "Dan" the way they are? [/QUOTE]

I know more than a few guys like that. One goes as far as paying all his utility bills in cash at the main office. It's paranoia for sure. My guess is it's leftover from the "high times" of the 60's and 70's.
My neighbor called and woke me up this morning asking for a huge favor.

He needed me to buy something for him and have it delivered to my house, and not his. OK. Weird.

He immediately stated that it wasn't a firearm, but a rifle scope. Apparently, he had completed a job as a contractor and been paid in cash and wanted a new scope for his AR build, but didn't want his wife to know about it.

Suppressing laughter, I asked why it had to be delivered to my house and not his. Well, his wife is the local mail carrier.

I felt bad for the guy and since there was no legal ramifications for me, I went ahead and took his $500+ cash and ordered the scope for him through my Amazon account.

When the scope is delivered to my house next week, I will be walking across the street and delivering the illicit item in exchange for a six-pack of Irish Death beer, lol.

I've heard of men scared of their spouses finding out about gun purchases and what not, but have never seen someone go to this great of length to conceal a purchase from their spouse.

Has anyone else heard of such a thing?

:rofl:, No, but you are a very good friend to do that, Trey.
I have never understood the need for married people to lie or hide purchases from one another. My wife doesn't care how many guns or gun related things I buy and I don't care how much quilting equipment and supplies she buys. We are adults and know what we can afford to spend on unnecessary items. Major purchases we discuss. This method has worked for 63 years and counting.
My wife is on a need to know basis, some I tell her about them, a bunch she has no idea and does not need to know. Saves me money in the long run because she does not need to spend money just because I did. 37 years married and no issues. She lost track of how many guns I have years ago.
If a couple are hiding purchases from each outer split now before you end up in bankruptcy. Hiding each others money never works out. Stay single. Or he could just be "PW'd". ;)
2 families I know particularly well have filed bankruptcy in the last 3 years. Both guys worked everyday, overtime, etc. Wives worked part time and handled the "household" duties including finances. Niether fella knew how bad it was until too late. One couple has been married almost 50 years, the other over 20.

Takes a trusting soul to go through that and stay married, but it's not my place to tell them how to run their household. Just something I've learned in my 45 years on this earth. Something else I've learned is if I want to be certain my affairs are in order, I'm doing it myself. If I didn't, I'd probably have no guns since they're not one of her priorities.

Everyone's situation differs. Whatever makes them happy. Or at least less miserable.
My wife and I know our finances in and out. No hidden accounts, debts, etc. With you guys that hide everything what the hell is going to happen if you drop dead? Or do you imagine she’s an innocent angel of her own that isn’t doing possibly shifty things with hidden money or credit.
My neighbor called and woke me up this morning asking for a huge favor.

He needed me to buy something for him and have it delivered to my house, and not his. OK. Weird.

He immediately stated that it wasn't a firearm, but a rifle scope. Apparently, he had completed a job as a contractor and been paid in cash and wanted a new scope for his AR build, but didn't want his wife to know about it.

Suppressing laughter, I asked why it had to be delivered to my house and not his. Well, his wife is the local mail carrier.

I felt bad for the guy and since there was no legal ramifications for me, I went ahead and took his $500+ cash and ordered the scope for him through my Amazon account.

When the scope is delivered to my house next week, I will be walking across the street and delivering the illicit item in exchange for a six-pack of Irish Death beer, lol.

I've heard of men scared of their spouses finding out about gun purchases and what not, but have never seen someone go to this great of length to conceal a purchase from their spouse.

Has anyone else heard of such a thing?
If a person is this scared of their spouse, they need to re-evaluate the relationship they have.
I’m blessed my wife enjoys the shooting sports as much as I do. If anything, she’s a bad influence and will always push me to buy when I’m on the fence about purchasing.
you guys that hide everything what the hell is going to happen if you drop dead?
I'll never know, nor care... cause I'll be dead. I don't know if posthumous divorce is a thing, but again, I won't care.

Every relationship has a different dynamic. Congrats to you guys that have the perfect spouse that supports all your endeavors. Mine might be better than I deserve, but guns and shooting and reloading is a bit of a disconnect. She's come around quite a lot, but it's still a balancing act at times. If everything else is good, status quo is fine by me.
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I have lost some mighty fine guns by showing them to my wife when I brought them home.

OH! I like that one. Can I have it?

I’m happy that she shares my interest in guns and often outshoots me.

I have also run into that situation. Had a real nice Marlin 357 for about 45 minutes until the wife saw it. Now it is her deer rifle for the pistol cartridge only zone. It also hell on woodchucks, or, so I am told. I am allowed ( required) to clean and load ammo for it. I guess that’s something.

Had a 10/22 Rifle. Had done the trigger, polished the bolt, extended mag release, and reduced the headspace a bit. Sure did make a great starting place for her last superstock. All she needed was a barrel and a stock. Her excuse was that I did not shoot it often enough. Oh well.

May as well mention scopes. When first married, 36 years ago, I scrimped and saved to buy a Leupold m8 4x for my 30/06. When she bought a 308 a few years later I told her to pick any scope in the gun safe. I did not specify one not on a rifle. Everyone knows how this ended up. Got it back 3 years ago when she sold the 308. It was my first good scope and she sure made good use out of it when it was on her rifle.

Happy wife happy life. Never have hid anything from her and never regretted giving her anything it was in my power to give.
As long as my wife and I have been together we have kept our finances separate, we divvy up the bills we pay and neither holds the other accountable for any personal spending as long as necessities are covered. She has always worked and had her own income so no issues with helping each other. We have never had an argument over money. And everything we have is paid for. So my guns and related stuff don't concern her. She buys me one occasionally and I buy her one occasionally. She isn't terribly interested in acquiring stuff but enjoys shooting and learning new skills so we do that together along with pretty much everything else in our lives. Works for us!
I don't hide purchases from my wife, but neither do I go out of my way to show them to her when I know she'll have little to no interest in what I've brought home. I also don't expect her to show me her latest pair of way overpriced shoes, nor do I inspect shopping bags full of her purchases when she gets home. For most of the past 35 years or so, she's made considerably more than I have and we've maintained separate bank and credit accounts. And she's probably outspent me at least 10 to 1 on everything from clothes to jewelry to cars to vacations... As long as she's happy.

Everyone's marriage is different. I know any number of guys who've hidden new gun purchases from their wives and I'll pass no judgement upon them.

I'll not be the one to say that someone else needs to re-evaluate their relationship with their spouse solely based on a guy "being scared" of his wife finding out how much he spent on something. He won't be the first, and he surely won't be the last. It also goes both ways...

And for some reason, this thread reminds me of an old "I Love Lucy" episode where Lucy is nervous about Desi getting home and finding out she bought a new <dress/necklace/shoes/table, whatever> ...
I have a complete inventory of all I have both printed and on my computer. At any given time my wife knows exactly what is there. She never looks at it or comments unless I am adding to it and then her comment is normally "what's the total now?". Makes no difference to her other than the curiosity aspect!
I know a guy(lets call him Dan) who is single, retired, lives alone, and refuses to buy anything online. He's worried about being "tracked". Does he get Social Security? Yes. Does he own the house he lives in and pays taxes on? Yes. Does he have a driver's license and a car registered to him? Yes. Does he get a pension check every month? Yes again. Does he have an electric bill, a gas bill, and a water bill? Yes, yes, yes. His info is easily He smokes a ton, yet believes an order of fries will kill him.

Why "they" would care at all about a 69 year old doofus, and have any trouble finding info out about him? I don't know, but he has his neighbors buy him all kinds of stuff online. It doesn't matter what is! He gives them cash, and they order it. A while back, he wanted to buy a gun. He finally found one at a LGS and that went fine, until he wanted ammo, and the guy he usually has order his stuff went to the hospital for a lot of reasons and was unavailable to order 9mm online for him. That's when I got called.

Him: Hey, can you buy me some ammo?
Me: Why do you need to have me buy it? You have money, go to the store and buy it (He knows several places that have what he wants in stock).
Him: I don't want anyone to know I bought it.
Me: Why? Who would possibly care about you buying ammo?
Him: I just don't want anyone to know it's for me.
Me: Why are you so paranoid? Nobody cares about you, except your family and friends. If you get into your car and drive over to the store, nobody who knows you will know about you buying ammo, and who cares if the sales person does?
Him: So you won't buy it for me?
Me: I'll sell you all you want for say....$25 a box. (I paid like $7.99 a box a few years ago for it, and stocked up)
Him: Silence.
Me: How many boxes do you want?
Him: I'm being serious here.
Me: No, you're being paranoid and just ridiculous.
Him: Why won't you buy it for me?
Me: Because you can buy your own..."Stuff"!
Him:Thanks for nothing. Click.

That was over a month ago. The guy who normally buys the stuff told me he still hasn't bought any ammo, because he's decided that he can buy his own.

What makes people like "Dan" the way they are?
You ought to mention to this guy that everything he does on the internet is easily tracked right to his home address (which it is).
number of guys who've hidden new gun purchases from their wives and I'll pass no judgement upon them.

Makes a person wonder how many perfect marriages ended in a divorce where a fella had to sell some or all of his favorite guns. Maybe if he'd have kept his mouth shut, a couple of them could have stayed off the radar.
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