Participated in a "straw" purchase today...

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Trey Veston

May 30, 2017
Idaho/Washington border
My neighbor called and woke me up this morning asking for a huge favor.

He needed me to buy something for him and have it delivered to my house, and not his. OK. Weird.

He immediately stated that it wasn't a firearm, but a rifle scope. Apparently, he had completed a job as a contractor and been paid in cash and wanted a new scope for his AR build, but didn't want his wife to know about it.

Suppressing laughter, I asked why it had to be delivered to my house and not his. Well, his wife is the local mail carrier.

I felt bad for the guy and since there was no legal ramifications for me, I went ahead and took his $500+ cash and ordered the scope for him through my Amazon account.

When the scope is delivered to my house next week, I will be walking across the street and delivering the illicit item in exchange for a six-pack of Irish Death beer, lol.

I've heard of men scared of their spouses finding out about gun purchases and what not, but have never seen someone go to this great of length to conceal a purchase from their spouse.

Has anyone else heard of such a thing?
A while back I attended a gun show. I planned ahead to hook up with a good reputable reload ammo dealer there. I selected a couple thousand rounds and started digging cash out of an inner fold of my wallet , noticed the ammo dealer chuckling. I said “I guess you’ve seen this trick before, eh?” “Yeah” he said, “ every day - the secret stash!”

It’s a very large fraternity …
Well now that you ask....

I once ordered a BP .50 rifle from DGW. Knew when it came in I would have to explain what I was doing buying another toy. On the day of the scheduled delivery, my wife, of her own volition, decided to make a quick 15 minute run out to the grocery store to grab one item we were out of. I kid you not, she pulled out of the driveway and not a minute later Big Brown pulled up with my rifle. I couldn't believe the timing. I must have done something to please the higher powers.

And that's my only transgression, I promise!! ;)
I have a secret stash also. I know my wife does also. She is under the assumption I do a lot of trading that always works out in my favor. I pay all the bills and I never complain about her purchases. Deep down I know she has a idea that my gun collection keeps growing and that there is more money involved than what I let on but she plays the same game. It’s mutual respect I guess. She does understand guns are a investment . Sometimes you don’t have to share all the information with your spouse.
I do not have this problem. I have 99 other problems, but a (lady) ain’t one…;)

It’s mutual respect I guess. She does understand guns are a investment though.
You, sir, are a masterhand. :rofl: Well done!

In my own game, deception for her gifts, but not for mine. I keep diamonds a secret and can’t shut up about firearms.:)
The Bills are paid and I’ll, for certain, buy what ever pleases me.

Did I mention I was single…:(
I had a friend/neighbor ask me if I would accept delivery of a complete AR kit, minus the lower, from PSA for him, twice.

My worry was the package disappearing before I knew it was there. Although PSA requires a signature, UPS never follows through with this. They drop it and run. But I did do it for him.

I know everyone's marital situation is different, but personally we don't hide things like this from each other. If I want to buy something expensive, I'll talk to her about it. She'll inevitably say "you know our financial situation, if you think we can afford it, buy it".
Not firearms, but working at a boat dealer in the big '80s, I saw deals like that on a weekly basis.

One in particular stood out- he was buying about 80k worth of boat, with about 50k of options and accessories, but needed the paperwork to show it as a stock package. On top of that, as a complete neophyte, he needed more than the standard included day of instruction. We worked that as a side deal at 300/day, and he was always reminding me as he'd pay me in cash that as far as his wife was concerned, it was included in the original purchase.
I am no one to judge, I did the same thing with my Ex but I had a po box at the PO just for ordering stuff I didn't want to get the third degree over, lol. My local rural PO would even take UPS/FEDEX deliveries for me.
I am surprised that grown men are hiding purchases from their wives.
I not only do not hide purchases, I don't discuss them with her beforehand unless they incur some type of debt. Those types of of expenses generally involve things like automobiles or mortgages, so they need to be joint decisions. We generally plan purchases such as furniture and appliances together.
I always pay cash for firearms, reloading supplies and hunting related items. All of that comes out of my discretionary income after the bills are paid. I generally show her whatever I may purchase and she has never questioned the cost or why I bought it.

I don't ask how my wife intends to spend her discretionary income, either.
I knew a guy that had a spousal embezzlement program. I always though it was weird, they both made very good money. By very good I mean he had a whisky cabinet that probably had $5k of spirits in it.

I guess what possessed him to do it is along the same lines of my wife having stuff taken to goodwill that still has store tags on it.

My wife and I made an agreement years ago, she won’t ask about guns if I keep my mouth shut on shoes and purses.

I think he’s a smart guy trying to keep his wife happy though. If she is 10% as smart as mine, his shenanigans won’t fool her for long. Or do you get to keep the rifle too. :)
Several years ago I received a transfer for a new customer. He arrived with his wife in tow. Kids often, rarely wives.

As they sat down I mentioned it was pretty rare to bring your wife, she said "Honey, I don't ask about the guns in his closet, he doesn't ask about the shoes or purses in mine".:D
My wife has never been interested in what I buy but I’ve also never incurred debt beyond my discretionary income. I treat her purchases and hobbies the same way. 30 plus years it seems to be working and along the way we’ve both found some new interests to enjoy.
My wife.

I've heard of men scared of their spouses finding out about gun purchases and what not, but have never seen someone go to this great of length to conceal a purchase from their spouse.

Has anyone else heard of such a thing?
Sure, that Ruger “American Rimfire” .22LR my wife is wearing on her shoulder as she was about to shoot a ground squirrel with her Ruger “Bearcat” was a surprise birthday gift from me a couple of years back. I knew my wife had been looking to get herself a Ruger “American Rimfire” with a component stock for a while - she’s only 5’1” and has to have most rifle and shotgun stocks cut down to fit her. So, when I ran across a Ruger "American Rimfire" .22LR with a component stock in Sportsman’s Warehouse just a week before my wife’s birthday, I bought it. I had a heck of a time getting that rifle in the house and into the top of a closet without my wife seeing it. And even at that, I up and forgot a birthday card to go along with the gift. But maybe that’s not what you meant…;)

BTW, my wife and I have known each other for 52 years - been married for 51. We probably have a few secrets, but none of them are secrets about what we spend on guns and guns related equipment. :)
I am surprised that grown men are hiding purchases from their wives.
I not only do not hide purchases, I don't discuss them with her beforehand unless they incur some type of debt. Those types of of expenses generally involve things like automobiles or mortgages, so they need to be joint decisions. We generally plan purchases such as furniture and appliances together.
I always pay cash for firearms, reloading supplies and hunting related items. All of that comes out of my discretionary income after the bills are paid. I generally show her whatever I may purchase and she has never questioned the cost or why I bought it.

I don't ask how my wife intends to spend her discretionary income, either.

^^^This. Kinda how it's supposed to work. Sometimes my wife rolls her eyes when I come home with a new firearm, but she trusts me enough to know that I won't spend monies we don't have. In my experience, those folks that keep money secrets from their spouse, keep other secrets as well and things generally don't last long.
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