Party Affiliation

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I disagree with the why perot voters voted for him. IMHO I think it was because Bush #41 was a RINO and broke his "no new taxes" pledge. Perot was just a way to vent. The problem is that the GOP.....even his son......still dont get it......or care.
And the last man standing was Clinton.

Even if there is a I still cant make my self "reward" this moderate over spending party with my vote. sticking to principle I guess. I will make my bed and I will sleep in it.
Republicans are moderate enough to win elections. There is a lesson there. For the most part, what they aren't is black, and by association, not so interested in spending money on social programs and taxing to pay for it. With few exceptions, neither party openly alienates a significant voter segment. You have to read between the lines. It's mostly weasel words and bizarre logic, talking around the real issues, trying to be PC.
A local Oregon fundamentalist organization called the OCA ran the Oregon Republican Party for years ... they did it by infiltrating and taking over nearly all of the local precincts.

If you control the precinct committees, then the only candidates that get to run are those you approve.

If local libertarians can wrest control of BOTH major party precinct committees in a given area, they then have a 100% chance of electing a libertarian.

I would strongly suggest buying a copy of Bob Heinlein's book , and using it ... instead of b*tching on the internet and at LP meetings about how evil the two major parties are.
Quoting Myself:
I wonder how many of you are on your county central comittee?
No resposes... =0
I wonder how many of you know who your local committee rep is?
Again, no responses =0


NOT ONE. :banghead:

So ****!

This thread needs to be closed...

Kim said:
If Libertarians want to be effective they need to infiltrate and run as Republicians.…

Unfortunately, libertarian Republicans almost never win primaries.

I was a Republican for a number of years, mainly because I agreed with their economic policies more so than I did with those of the Democrats. However, by the late 1990s, I had figured out that while the Democrats want to give my money to poor people, the Republicans want to give it to rich corporations. Neither party practices sound fiscal policy.

So it was time for a change. Between the two welfare parties, the Democrats are marginally more pro-freedom than the Republicans. Should I have joined the Democratic Party? Maybe I could change it from the inside. At least I would have had a voice with those who run California, instead of wasting my votes on Republicans.

But no! I just had to get all principled. I joined the Libertarian Party instead, advocating freedom and sound fiscal policy.

~G. Fink
Steam, I must have missed your question. I was a committe man, but I didn't seek reelection because the meetings were scheduled on days I had teaching assignments.
I'm personally known by many of my local elected officials.
I'd have to call myself a Reform Republican in the Bullmoose model.

Truth, Justice and the American Way...over what we have now. Which seems to be a country ruled by lawyers and a corrupt bureaugoddery.

Cross reference the recent Supreme Court decision on private property, and the failure of my congress cretin to Impeach them immediately.

Who knows it's lonely being right. :banghead:
So ****!

This thread needs to be closed...
Is this supposed to be the part where I suddenly realize that Repubs aren't the authoritarians I always pegged them as?

I humbly appologise.
I was a committee member in another district, before I moved to my current location.

I too had a hard time making the meetings.
But I made more than I missed.
We got a lot of good things done including the retirement instead of promotion
of a major RINo-ette
We had major impact on Ohio finaly getting a CHL law.
Calling on a congress critter (or any politician) you get to speek with more than just one voice. Kinda like a Chorus. And BELIEVE me folks, the pol knows who you are. He pays people lots of money to keep him aware of who he HAS to talk to...

SO. I am running in my new precinct. Meeting nights are already conflicted.
I hope this changes when (if)I get elected.
Actualy it WILL change, because the meetings are on the same night as my gun club meeting. Priorities...

The part that slays me about this thread, and LOTS of others, is the expectation people have of others DOING SOMETHING while they kick back in their chair and kvetch about every little thing.
One wonders if they even vote if it is raining.

Sad that the grand total of the INVOLVED is now 2
Steam, I've been approached to return to the committee. The dates are still a problem, but I might be able to change the dates of my class. So I might take a shot at it in the spring. We elect these positions in the spring
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