Two New Political Parties Formed in Colorado

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Jun 8, 2003
Oddly enough, a downwardly-plunging firey handbask
DENVER — Two new political parties have been formed in Colorado, one for voters who oppose abortion and another for those who support gun rights.

Republicans claim the parties were part of a plot to take votes away from the GOP during a crucial election year. Democrats denied they were involved and said they do not know who came up with the plan.

"It obviously leads us to question the motives of why someone would create these parties below the radar. The only conclusion we can come to at this time is that it is most likely an effort to siphon votes from those who would otherwise vote Republican," state Republican Party chairman Ted Halaby (search) said.

Denver attorney John Sackett qualified the two parties on April 2, getting 10,310 signatures to form the Pro Life Party (search) and 10,296 for the Gun Owners' Rights Party (search), Secretary of State Donetta Davidson (search) said Tuesday.

Sackett did not return phone calls seeking comment.

Julie DeWoody, spokesman for the state Democratic Party, said no officials from her party were behind the effort.

Steve Schreiner, spokesman for the Firearms Coalition of Colorado (search), a gun rights lobby group, said his group is urging its members to ignore the gun rights party.

"There are really only two parties, Republican and Democratic. Minor parties only detract from votes," Schreiner said.

Halaby said anti-abortion groups also denied asking for a new party.,2933,116409,00.html
Huh. I will have to check out that gun owners party. You know, if the Republicans would do their job instead of pander to the center and left...

Some Republicans get it. Like John Boozman. I dont fully support his anti-abortion stance, but the man is ardently pro-gun and less than statist. He gets my vote.
So now we have 2 new parties who will siphon off votes from the Republican party, thus making it easier for Democrats to win.

And we all know how Pro Life and Pro Gun the Democrats are :rolleyes:

This "I'm taking my ball and going home" crap from core Republicans is just annoying ... we need to be taking the damn party back from the RINOs ... not sabotaging both good and bad Republicans and helping the Democrats
Like I said. If the GOP would stop pandering for votes, their base wouldnt be "taking their ball and going home." Eventually, either the team will start playing for the team instead of for the crowd, or the court will be ripped from beneath their feet and placed under a more worthy team (political party).

If all of the fair weather Republicans would stop whining, get off their duff, tell their union steward to go to hell, and get involved in the Rebublican Party at the grass roots level, we COULD EASILY take the party back from the RINOs and liberals.

Nothing was ever accomplished by whining. We accomplish good things by ACTION! Get involved at the precinct level, and (GOD FORBID!) even take that $25-$50 that you were going to spend in the bar Saturday night and contribute it to the party.
Taking action does more than just whining.

You're right. That's why, if the election were held tomorrow, I'd vote Libertarian and Gun Owners' Rights Party. I'm waiting to see what the Republicans do between now and November.

To date, they've done nothing but flood my mail box with requests for contributions. They've done nothing to strengthen and protect the Second Amendment. They've done nothing to protect the nation's firearms manufacturers from predatory leftist extremist law suits. They've done nothing about the cancer of illegal aliens that infests our nation. They've done nothing to put qualified judges on the federal bench. They've made it abundantly clear they're just a variation on the Democratic (sic) party.

At least the Libertarians and Gun Owners' Rights Party have principles.
$25-$50 that you were going to spend in the bar Saturday night and contribute it to the party.
Umm, the first opprotunity I have to blow $50 in a bar I will let you know. I will also let you know about the next bar I come accross that lets in 20yr olds. :p

Like Standing Wolf said, if we (the people that hold old fashioned GOP values) wouldnt be looked at as complete freaks when we said we thought that the GOP was the most liberal its ever been nationally and that Bush wasnt the best candidate for the job, maybe we would go back. Until the GOP gets the message that they are doing a bad job and decides to change, we will take our principles and beliefs to someone that will support and fight for them, and not waste our vote on someone who performs the act of our opposition and calls it "conservatism."

I will try to "work from the inside." I will let you know how it goes. But I guarantee you that the first time I say that Bush is a centrist liberal, I will be looked at like I declared the sky was chartruse.:scrutiny:
I did a search on "Sackett" HERE but found nothing on him. There were three "Sacketts" but none of them were from CO. So he is not contributing to the other parties -- yet.
I gotta agree with Ralph Nader here

His comment about causing a near loss for the Demos was something to the effect they should have had a landslide so a few votes don't matter.
The Repubs need to hvave their own landslide if they want to win.
Me? I'm voting Libertarian so I don't feel dirty....;)
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