Patiently Waiting

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Apr 15, 2004
I'm sitting here patiently waiting for all good things gun related.

I am 60 days into my CCW wait a max of 30 left.
I have a Milt Sparks rig on the way for my 1911.
I have a HBE on the way for my CZ.
I have Suarez's "Tactical Pistol", Ayoob's "Gravest Extreme" and Cooper's "Priciples of Self Defense" ordered.
I have Givens class coming up in Jan.

So what are you waiting for?
So what are you waiting for?
At near 60 - maybe God?? OK I jest! (I hope!!)

Sounds like you have but a smidgeon more patience to endure and all will be rosey. It would appear things are about to gel.

I am waiting on a Marlin Camp .45 ... which may be on the way soon ... I am waiting on myself, to make a decision on next IDPA gun - I think now it'll be a SIG 226 but - not quite made up mind.

Beyond that - I await the cessation of darned winter and the onset of spring - with nice things happening like green leaves and warm days! :)
I've been waiting for January to begin the renewal process on my permit. The rediculous 3 non-family references requirement is supposed to be dropped by our newly elected prosecutor. Worth the wait IMO.

Never could figure out why I'm supposed to want a bunch of strangers knowing I have a permit, and who knows who they've told.
Income tax refund, so I can buy my first semi-auto. pistol and switch to it for concealed carry. Probably a Bersa Thunder .380, since I've heard great reliability ratings from a couple of people who own them, or maybe a Taurus PT145 or used Beretta 8040/8045.

Sucks to hear you have to wait so long for a permit where you live. Here in PA (York County), it only took me 3 weeks. It sucks more that we actually have to pay for a permit (read: paying to ask permission) to do something that the Bill Of Rights upholds as one's HUMAN right.

Maybe it's just me, but I think if all states jumped on the bandwagon of Vermont's and Alaska's no-permit laws, a lot more people would learn and carry firearms, and the reign of the anti-gunners would be short-lived.

A Marlin Camp .45 for you Chris, nice. I have always thought those looked fun.
Sounds like your just waiting for Christmas Part II, thats quite a list. Myself, I'm waiting on some business deals so I can hopefully pick up a CZ75B.

Sigh...still waiting on my Cooper. Guess they're running behind so here I sit twiddling my thumbs and re-reading SHTF/zombie threads.

I've got my fingers crossed that it shows up in January.

It's been eight weeks since I submitted my CCW application to the Ventura County Sheriff.

Called a few days ago, and was told that I'm "in background check" and that it could take six months. Then I'm interviewed and who knows how long it will be after that.

Isn't there some sort of time limit written into the law here in California? Gonna have to look into that.

I'm starting to wonder if this is just some sort of delay tactic that avoids having to deal with rejecting applicants. A "We haven't denied your application, we are merely still processing it" kind of thing. War of attrition.

I'm also waiting for a NRM Colt that was supposed to show-up last September.
No ETA, either.


Waiting for the Minnesota court of appeals to overturn the judge-shopped county judge's bad ruling suspending our carry law.

You're waiting for some goodies? Lucky you!
Tax refund

Then I'll be buying the big ah oh and SWMBO will have to concede that the kids will get some personal as well as class training.
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