Pelosi To Assassinate Free Speech

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The statement about her requiring a 72 hour waiting period at gun shows is
slightly misleading. If you read the newsmax article it states she has voted for
a proposal requiring this 3 day gun show waiting period in the past. It did not pass. To date she has not introduced or pushed any legislation for such a requirement as speaker of the house......YET.

However her track record on
voting regarding the Second Amendment speaks absolute volumes. It is only a matter of time before an anti gun bill is introduced in the house. She probably won't be the one to introduce it, she has lackeys to do that, but she will use all of her corrupt influence and power to try and get any anti gun laws proposed made into law.
Its Newsmax. Enough said really. They been lying their arses off for years and so clearly biased they make Fox News look like Michael Moore.
The problem that both major political parties are faced with right now is that neither one of them can command the level of debate with internet blogs, forums, news, etc.

Much of it is false, rediculously biased, etc. But, it is up to the people that look at it to find out "the truth" or atleast whatever they believe the truth to be.

But, that is the way it should be.

That is what America is all about. And, incubents will constantly do anything to keep themselves in power. This is nothing new. Look at the Alien and Sedition Acts. It's been going on a long time.

Back when the Republic was new, you had the printing of handbills, and local newspapers which catered to dern near anything the people wanted. And all it took to be a "newspaper" was a printing press.

Nowadays, our tool is the computer.

Politicians inherently hate the idea of the people being able to voice decent, and the current crop of politicians is even less committed to the BOR and the 1st Amendment than any other before it.

longeyes is correct. After this, you'll have the fairness doctrine. Talk radio will be attacked. Dems (regardless of what the ACLU says, for or against) will attempt to wipe out the 1st Amendment. And the Republicans won't ride to the rescue, they'll just shut down liberal press.

The only way to stop it is civil disobedience provided this p.o.s. passes.
William J. Olson, the co-counsel for the Free Speech Coalition, summarized his impression of how the unfairness would operate:

"The Public Citizen/Pelosi bill would allow corporations, unions and even foreign interests to spend literally hundreds of millions of dollars mobilizing their shareholders, officers, employees and members, yet hide those expenditures," Olson opined.

"On the flipside, their bill would require real citizen associations to essentially obtain Congress's consent to communicate about important policy matters that impact on them. It's not just the imbalance that is wrong; it's a frontal attack on the First Amendment and political speech," Olson concluded

Well never fear- if you are rich, well connected, or are a close ally of The Party, your first amendment rights will be protected.
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