Please Tell Me About Ohio (Columbus area)

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Sep 24, 2003
It looks like my wife may be looking at a job in the Columbus, OH area. How does it compare to Indiana as far as gun and shooting sports friendliness? I already told the wife "NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT, COME BACK AND VISIT ME" to the possibility of Chicagoland!

I know you Buckeyes now have the right to carry any other pros (or cons)? I seem to remember comments to the effect that the Columbus area is not the friendliest to gunnies. Is this correct? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

dunno how it compares to indy, but it is teh suq. i left about 18 months ago because of absurd taxes and anti-gun laws. use the search feature here to find about the columbus assault weapon ban. forget class III stuff unless you're in the suburbs.

edit: i lived in worthington and westerville a year each, then spent 5 or 6 yrs in new albany
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the info. I HATE cities anyway, couldn't wait to get old enough to get out on my own and get out of Indy! That was many moons ago, but I still don't care for much concrete. Can anyone suggest a small burg within 30-45 min of downtown (City Center Mall area)? We have a couple of horses and so would like to get out into the country somewhat. Not tons of money either, so the affluent "Pony Club" areas would definitely be out of our reach.

Madison county is nice on the west side of Columbus; new houses going up, but not too many, and housing is reasonable from what I've heard.

On the other side of Columbus, Granville is really great, and Deleware used to be nice north of town. As someone else said, London is also very nice, and not too far from downtown.

And having lived in Clark County most of my life, Springfield is mostly a hell hole now, IMO.
CurtM said:
And having lived in Clark County most of my life, Springfield is mostly a hell hole now, IMO.

Heh. I'm from Clark County (New Carlisle). Tecumseh High School, 1983. Small world.
Think Ice Age. But you're already in the Ice Age, aren't you? Just moving from one part to the other. Friends of mine just moved to Gahena outside of Columbus. They've got a cat that used to run outside every time the door opened. Not any more.

Ohio doesn't have a pre-emption statute. So burgs like Columbus have local AWB's. I've heard that the way Columbus' statute is written that some pistols could be considered banned under it. A local police officer thinks it will be declared unconstitutional due to broadness or vagueness.

So, you've got to know local laws as well as state laws. What's legal one place might not be legal across the street.

I've had some good friends from the state. Good farmland in the Ohio River Valley. Worst roads I've ever seen but I'm told that is from the winters' effect on the asphalt. I'm not accustomed to what the Ice Age does to infrastructure. Nor do I wish to be.

Friends visiting here from Ohio have been known to sunbathe in shorts and halter tops when the temperature was crowding 50 degrees F. Had a line of cars backed up to view the polar bears.:D

It's not that cold here; I've spent a lot of time in Atlanta, and the difference is usually about 10 degrees at most; this winter, we've only had one snow storm, and that was even before winter started.

The preemption is being looked at by the state gov, I think, and the laws like Columbus has are very much in question, though Columbus is one of the worst about it. However, Columbus has some of the greatest football games played in it in the whole country!
You might want to look at Fairfield or Hocking counties (south of Columbus) off of Hwy 33. There are still alot of affordable wide open spaces down there and you're still within 30-45 minutes of downtown. North and east of Gahanna and New Albany isn't bad either. As others have said, Columbus proper is best avoided. The weather here is really not that bad, it's just unpredictable as hell. You might find youself wearing a T-shirt on Christmas Day, or shoveling snow in April. But we tend to only get one or two decent sized snowfalls/year. People are generally pretty friendly here, and suprisingly, a small town attitude seem to persist in spite of it's size. We do have CC, but the open carry in the car, and a vast number of prohibited areas make it a real pain. Best of luck.

I've had a few phone conversations with my buddy since he moved. Either he's lieing or you and I differ greatly in our definition of 'cold.'

Snow in early December. Several mornings leaving the house with single digit temps.

Know how many times I've seen a single digit temperature down here?

Once, since I've reached adulthood thirty years ago.

What y'all call really cold is much different from what we call really cold.

Y'all got the gals that sunbathe at 50 degrees F and think that spring is finally here.:D
byron, the deal is that the snow belt/cold usually stops about 1 county north of columbus. so columbus and south is not much different than northern kentucky. but just north of there is pretty much all eskimos and amish, and amish eskimos
Much of December was unusually brutal this it was in most of the Midwest and East. During muzzleloader season (Jan. 3rd) I was hunting in a thunderstorm and sweating my butt off...but then, I sweat when it's above 40...least if I'm doing much walking. :neener: The cold, rainy, nasty, stuff really doesn't start to bother me until April...then I just want to be warm. Spring (if you can call it that -should be called 'Sprinter') lasts forever here.
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