Poison Ivy

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WE have been on the phone ,all over these med sites looking for the answer to this question, Is there a Vaccine available for poison ivy,it is frustrating,one doc here wont even answer the ?.

one way or the other one says fda pulled off so any links info ,docs here, or pharmascist that could answer YES OR NO, we found out more on the smallpox with out even trying I almost had to put Beck in the hosp last yr the evil ivvy was so bad. Thank you all, Bobby
I, too, am violently allergic to it. I did take shots ( a series of three) early each spring before 'the season'. PITA, but it worked for me. Since I was a kid, I didn't pay much attention to the name, something like RheussTox, but I bet a veteran allergist could help you out. Good luck, and pass the calamine:cool:

Edited to add Thx, Mr Irwin. I'll look into the pills. Whe the cat goes out and brushes up against some in his travels, and later rubs on me, I get an outbreak that looks like I've been burned with a cigar.
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