Police Stop Man Wearing Armored Helmet, Vest In SUV

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You better get used to the idea that the world changed on 9/11. The best you can hope for is some sort of apology AFTER somebody over-reacts to what once was merely regarded as behavior that was a bit "different".

Then the terrorists won with a single blow, didn't they Art?
I am still waiting for someone to explain to me why this man was stopped in the first place.

And, yes, terrorism has won, and we have helped the terrorists beat us.
None of us know because none of us were there. Why dont you call the police and ask them?
Now Vernal that wasn't nice.

But I'll answer you centac. I won't call because I have this unnatural fear that I might illegally be detained, tased and arrested. Denied my right to a phone call, and speedy due process.

Again I'm sure that's just me, I am rather paranoid you know...
"Won" is, in a way, a poor choice of words. Implicit is that the terrorists had given any thought whatsoever to what we consider to be Civil Rights inherent in our very existence.

But, yeah, if changing us from a free people to a nation composed of possible suspects is "winning", they won.

However, IMO, they merely accelerated a process which began with the rise of the importance of the central government, as it increased its meddling in our daily lives. IMO, it's not unreasonable to say it began during the Great Depression and sped up with the initiation of the Great Society.

Anytime you see someone propose to initiate a "Great..." or a "War On...", cuida'o, hombre, and hang on to your billfold.

You think I'm a cynic? That I'm pessimistic? Try this:


Robert L Kocher is at it again; there is something there to offend practically everyone. ('Cept me. :D ) It's very, very long, so I recommend having it as a separate window and reading just a bit at a time. It's a bit much to go through all at once. (FWIW, he likes the .44 Maggie.)

I chose that word specifically for the reason you note. These people don't have any hope, thought or intention of physically "beating" us. Can't be done and they know it, or their leadership does. So if you want to beat an unbeatable enemy, and aren't happy with a few thousand random deaths what *do* you do?

Get the maximum bang for your buck. And remember, many of these people were educated in the US, or have family that were. They grasp our concept of Rights well enough to use them against us, even if they could never function fully within them. So you use your abilities to make your enemy destroy himself. And when he sacrifices the freedom and Rights that define him then you have indeed "won", correct? You don't have to kill 'em all, just turn them into something else.

Modern alchemy.
Suggestion, boys and girls: Do NOT do anything "weird". Do NOT attract unwanted attention. People who are not normal are by definition a threat.
A threat, no. The subject of ridicule, most definitely!

I know I'm having a good laugh.
So, you've thrown in the towel?

I haven't.


Nor have I, but that doesn't stop me from realizing how the game is being played or from seeing how many people have indeed left the field to hide on the sidelines.
Mr. Eatman said:
IMO, it's not unreasonable to say it began during the Great Depression and sped up with the initiation of the Great Society.
but I am of the opinion that it began with our President which cured us from slavery, namely good ol' Honest Abe.

Why is it that the biggest, fattest, most obtuse guy in the class gets the name of "Tiny"?

Nevertheless, "Honest Abe"
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