Political statements?

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Jun 2, 2004
Austin Texas
This forum advocates responsible firearms ownership and usage. This forum has an activism section, where it is encouraged that folks do activities that keep 2A un-infringed. Political positions of the major parties and elected individuals are something that falls squarely into the realm of activism and concern for gun owners and our rights. Guns and politics are intertwined period. McCain was for restrictions such as not allowing private gun show sales. Obama and the democratic party have a STATED agenda that will further curtail ownership of firearms. These matters should be discusse as they help people vote on issues important to them. Politics and gun rights are intertwined. Those that oppose our gun rights cannot be stopped without gun owners being aware of their agenda, pending bills etc..
I absolutely do not understand why THR doesn't allow political discussion (that is on point) about this. I hear that THR doesn't want "visitors" here to see inflammatory comments such as "from my cold dead hands" as that will portray us in a negative light yadda yadda...
Should we even have an "activism" section if allowing the "visitors" to know we are concerned about losing our rights is presenting a negative aspect of who we are?
There's a difference between discussion - and the endless rants about "those crazy commie socialist Democrat scum" yadda yadda yadda.

There have been a number of threads - even in the short time i've been here, that take "the high road" on the political issue - where we've discussed the issues in a fairly reasonable manner. That tends to be the exception not the norm however.

Discussion of how politics effects gun rights is one thing - ranting about politics is another entirely.

Activism also isn't a forum for political rants or discussion - it's a forum to discuss things people can do to support gun rights.
Things like "I wrote this letter to these officials, got this response, you should do the same", "here's a petition X group is sending around, take the time to sign it". It's about ACTION not just sitting around talking.
I see no problem with it also. Although there is a difference between a "political"
conversation and "name calling" session.

This is a political issue. If we could have a conversation without people making personal remarks against the politicians it should be allowed.
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