Guns = Politics

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Recon By Fire

May 15, 2003
San Luis Obispo
At least in my mind being active in the politics is required for ever Gun owner. The only reason that we are even able to own guns is because we are granted this right in the Constitution. Because of this, we will always have opponents trying to disarm the citizens. The have their reasons, which are generally very well researched and full of liberal crap. Many people in American see gun owners as hicks who are bigoted, racist people. Because some gun owners infect are bigoted, racists hicks, anyone who owns a gun is immediately grouped into this category.

Since we are all just hicks with guns, we should be disarmed. Our fellow citizens on the left side of the spectrum (thankfully) don’t have guns to challenge us with, so they turn towards the political system to do their dirty work. Each an every one of us should be aware of what is going on in Washington and in our each individual state. As President Lincoln once said, Politics are made "of the people, by the people, for the people". If we being the people can't control what happens to us, where are we? Fortunately, each and every one of us has a big brother in the matter of gun owner ship. Even if we don’t care, the NRA does. They will be their protecting our 2nd amendment as long as the constitution exists.

But don’t just rely on the NRA to ensure your gun rights, get out and make a difference yourself. By keeping up on the issues of our government, you are making an imaginable difference. Just imagine this: more people voted for that crappy 'American Idol' TV show than for our very own president, what a shame. Just shows what people care about these days.

Be pro-active in the world that is constantly changing around you; don’t take a back seat to the liberal's demands. If we continue along uninformed, they might just get what they have been looking for, our right arms.
The only reason that we are even able to own guns is because we are granted this right in the Constitution.

The Constitution doesn't grant rights, which could then be rescinded by amendments. Rights are intrinsically human and inalienable, and are merely recognized and protected by the Constitution.
Funny thing,

Our liberal 'friends' seem to feel that the right to bear arms is NOT

intrinsically human and inalienable

Until they do realize this, we well always be on the defensive (and occasionally the offensive) to protect this Right.
The Constitution doesn't grant rights, which could then be rescinded by amendments. Rights are intrinsically human and inalienable, and are merely recognized and protected by the Constitution.

True - but if we'd been relying on an "unwritten" constitution, we'd have lost the right to keep and bear arms, long ago.

We came damned close to having handguns included in NFA34. If we hadn't had the NRA - as apolitical as it was in those days, and as supportive of the machinegun ban as it was, we'd have lost the legal right to own handguns, no matter what we believe our natural rights were.
It's not pessimism. The average "liberal" will never agree the 2nd Amendment applies to everyone and they do not want the normal American citizen to possess firearms.

You are correct in that we must not always be on the defensive and we do need to be involved in our government. We need to keep a firm grip on the control of the White House and Congress. We need to educate the younger generations about guns and the constitution so that they expand our numbers when they become voters.

It is a waste of time to try to convert liberals to our side. We are as opposite as socialism is to capitalism. They believe as strongly in their anti-gun views as we believe in our pro-gun views, although not for the reasons they state publicly. Converting them to our side would be as difficult as converting you into a liberal. Not likely, eh?

Liberals have an agenda and part of that agenda is to disarm the public. Liberals believe that the average American is incompetent, completely unable to take care of themselves. Therefore, they must regulate every aspect of our life to ensure we don't harm ourselves or each other.

In reality, they want to ensure we do not have the knowledge or means to threaten them, their wealth, their vision of the perfect world and most importantly, their power over the masses.
Our fellow citizens on the left side of the spectrum (thankfully) don’t have guns to challenge us with

Thats not quite true, they have plenty of guns to challenge us with; between the police and the military thats a lot of freakin' guns (and if the left ever gets complete control here in the US you and I and most of the rest of this board can be guaranteed to see the business end of those guns too). :fire:
It is a waste of time to try to convert liberals to our side. We are as opposite as socialism is to capitalism. They believe as strongly in their anti-gun views as we believe in our pro-gun views, although not for the reasons they state publicly. Converting them to our side would be as difficult as converting you into a liberal. Not likely, eh?

HKM5SD - No relation to facts. In fact, I'm a liberal, socialist Democrat. But I believe people should be able to buy AK-47's with underbarreled GP-30 launchers, and not have to fill out the stupid form 4 (5,6,7,8, n ...)

Whad'dya say to that?:D
Since you are on our side it's okay for you to be a Socialist. But it'll never work in this country, I hope. ;)
Pro 2A Liberal Socialists

My mother-in-law asked me why I am so passionate about firearms ownership rights. My answer also applies to MicroBalrog.

As long as I am armed, we can talk about anything else.

I sure as hell don't agree with a socialist agenda, but I am willing to talk about that.
You guys are making the same mistake, AGAIN! You are using logic to try and figure out why liberals argue a point.:rolleyes:
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