Poll: Growing support for protecting the right to own guns

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Jul 10, 2011
Central Missouri
Gun Ownership is WINNING!!!

A research Pew poll found that more of the U.S. favors gun ownership than gun control. BOO YAA!!!

"For the first time in at least 20 years, significantly more Americans say it's more important to protect the right to own guns than it's more important to control gun ownership, according to the Pew Research Center."

Poll: Growing support for protecting the right to own guns

More than ever people believe protecting gun rights is more important than rather than gun control.


"Fifty-two percent of Americans surveyed by Pew said it is more important to protect gun rights, while only 46 percent said it is more important to control gun ownership. The poll marks first time in over two decades that respondents have voiced greater support for gun rights than gun control in a Pew poll."
Yes, I think this is correct. The riots have had a unintended consequence for the anti-gunners, people realize that the police can't be depended on to defend them.
Meh. I really am not trying to rain on your parade, but there's no endpoint. It's an ongoing fight. Polls like that could lead to people becoming complacent.
True, people are fickle, but there has been a consistent increase in our favor since the 90s -- with a few temporary reversals.
Yeah, I posted first but mine gets closed. CORRUPTION AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS AT THR!!! Lol. It's all good, the goal was to share.

Yeah I think the riots was a recent eye opener. However I like to think that the efforts of all of us to educate the fence-sitters and non-informed has a lot to do with it as well. The various gun organizations are great at fighting pending legislation, but it is us who have to change minds of the people so that they send the message to the legislators. It is a good day, but we should not get complacent. As my battalion commander used to say. "Good job, now get over it."
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