Popular mechanics: 25 skills a person should have

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Feb 15, 2007
In the October issue of PM skill # 19 ; Clean a bolt action rifle.
They then give a pretty good description of to do it.
:D+1 for PM magazine
PM is very gun friendly. They often have gun related articles and run gun ads.

Once in a while they'll get a letter from someone complaining and throwing the oh so mature "I'll cancel my subscription" temper tantrum. The editor usually tells them to go suck rocks in a PC way.
I don't know how to do all the car-related stuff, but that's because I don't drive yet (I'm 16, a little late in coming). Everything else I know.
I can't say I'm an expert at all that stuff, but I've done most of it at least once, or learned how even if it was a long time ago. The only thing I'd be completely hopeless at is #22, bleeding brakes. But give me a few minutes with the right manuals, and I'd feel confident doing that too. :D
Darn, I still don't know how to work a tourque wrench

It works like a socket wrench...except you set it for a certain torque value first (say 50 foot pounds) and then when you start torquing the nut, bolt, or screw, you stop when it tells you...some use a felt and heard click. Some use a visible gauge so instead of setting the value first so you just torque until the needle reaches it on a dial. Always reset the value to its lowest value when done.

Most people don't bother to use them on lug nuts, but they work wonders in keeping your rotors from warping when all the lugs nuts are torqued evenly.
The whole list...

The List: How to...

1. Patch a radiator hose
2. Protect your computer
3. Rescue a boater who as capsized
4. Frame a wall
5. Retouch digital photos
6. Back up a trailer
7. Build a campfire
8. Fix a dead outlet
9. Navigate with a map and compass
10. Use a torque wrench
11. Sharpen a knife
12. Perform CPR
13. Fillet a fish
14. Maneuver a car out of a skid
15. Get a car unstuck
16. Back up data
17. Paint a room
18. Mix concrete
19. Clean a bolt-action rifle
20. Change oil and filter
21. Hook up an HDTV
22. Bleed brakes
23. Paddle a canoe
24. Fix a bike flat
25. Extend your wireless network
Because a semiauto would be too evil! Just kidding, glad they included firearm usage at all.
Robert Heinlein beat 'em to it 35 years ago:

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

-- Robert Heinlein in Time Enough for Love.

25. Extend your wireless network

Heck, I would just like to get mine to work :( Either that, or "extend" the #$%^&* thing right over a cliff.

I can do all the others except #5 and #21 (what the heck is an HDTV and why should I even care ???).

Well ... I never filleted a fish but I've gutted plenty of them. Though to me fish are mostly sled dog food :p What about shooting, field dressing, and butchering a deer? :rolleyes:

I could add about a hundred other things to their list, like falling a tree, or fixing a truck tire on a split rim ... etc ;)
Lets see...

1. Patch a radiator hose
2. Protect your computer*
3. Rescue a boater who as capsized
4. Frame a wall*
5. Retouch digital photos*
6. Back up a trailer*
7. Build a campfire*
8. Fix a dead outlet
9. Navigate with a map and compass
10. Use a torque wrench
11. Sharpen a knife*
12. Perform CPR
13. Fillet a fish
14. Maneuver a car out of a skid*
15. Get a car unstuck*
16. Back up data*
17. Paint a room*
18. Mix concrete*
19. Clean a bolt-action rifle*
20. Change oil and filter*
21. Hook up an HDTV
22. Bleed brakes*
23. Paddle a canoe*
24. Fix a bike flat*
25. Extend your wireless network*


Items in BOLD with a star next to it are things I have done and can do.

Items in BOLD without a star are items I haven't done but am reasonably sure I could do with a minimum of prior research.

Items not in bold with a star next to it are things I haven't done but am sure I could do with sufficient research on the internet and/or at the library.

Items not in bold and without a star are things I can't do and would require some training from a professional to become proficient at.
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Proud to say I got all 25. And I don't mean I thought about a few of em and decided "I can probably do that." No no. I have either done or had training in all those.

Heinlein's list is better though, and I don't have all of those down yet. Although I am reminded of my friend "Jeff", a lifelong white-collar boy of unsurpassed self-assurance, despite readily available evidence to the contrary. Case in point: I once handed him a post-hole digger and told him to dig a hole "right here" until the digger sunk up to a tape mark on the handles, which would make the hole about 42" deep. An hour and a half later, "Jeff" had a hole 2 feet wide and a foot deep, attempting to remove a soft-ball sized rock which was in the way of his hole-making progress. I smashed the rock to bits with one anger-fueled stroke of a heavy bar, and he continued his digging. He got to about 36" and went home.

I showed "Jeff" Heinleinn's list once, and he read it over and said "I can do all that stuff." Sure. He is a computer programmer by trade, so I'll give him that, but I have my doubts about the other 21 things.

PS. I haven't read Cooper's list yet. I am feeling pretty manly today and I would like to hold on to that.
I would think a better requirement than cleaning a rifle would be: "know how to safely check and clear a firearm."

Cleaning a rifle is nice to know, but it is not exactly essential for somebody who doesn't own a rifle; however, even those who dislike guns should know how to safely check to see if a gun is loaded and unload it. This knowledge would prevent many accidental injuries.
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