Possible job in Maryland, am I nuts?

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Dec 24, 2002
Southwestern Ohio
Might have a job up Lexington Park, Maryland this fall and am wondering how bad it is there for gun owners. Did some searching here and didn't find much.

Keep in mind I'm coming from Arizona and have several weapons including some that anti gun folks would call "evil assault rifles".
Forget about Maryland, Lennyjoe. They'll throw your butt in jail for two years just for having a gun in the car unless you're travelling intrastate.
You could commute across the bridge to Virginia every day. Virginia gun laws are not too bad. Probably 35 minutes each way to Dahlgren, VA. Won't be able to carry on the job most likely though...
We have a pretty active "Pro 2A" Rights community...we have to in order to fight Sarah Brady in her own back yard.

Its not that bad for anything but Handguns.

Purchasing is pretty normal for long guns/shotguns.

Any so called Assault Weapons and Pistols are considered to be "Regulated Firearms" by the State and as such are subject to additional restrictions at the time of purchase....basically there is an additional STATE background investigation to make sure that you are not wanted for anything in Md (waste of time and money) and a 7 day waiting period before you can pick up the Pistol or SCAW.....not that bad but its a pain in the ass.

There is also a 1 Regulated Firearm/Month rule.....you can get a Md Collectors License to work around that so its really a non-issue....

Transporting Firearms and SCAWS is no big deal.....transporting Pistols is a PITA! You are ONLY allowed to travel with Pistol between Legitimate Residence(s) and the range or gun shop......you can't legally stop for coffee or to take a piss....its pretty draconian.

We've fought off an AWB for the last 5 years and will see the bill again in 2008 along with a likely Ammo Encoding Bill and a few other worthless bills.

If I had to do it all over I would choose Va and avoid Md altogether including work.
Hey Lenny, I work right next to Lexington Park, Maryland. There is a pretty good shooting range there called Sanner's Lake that I am a member of. Unforturnately, Maryland is not gun friendly, although they don't require you to register your firearms... yet. Forget CCW and it is a pain to transport your weapon to and from the range, no stopping on the way, even for gas or food!

I myself am planning on moving out of this state within the next five years, already have the home and property purchased in West Virginia, a gun friendly state!
I lived in St. Mary's County for most of the 1970s and never had a problem with quite a few handguns and rifles and shotguns. It was a pretty rural place then, and has developed considerably now. My best friend still lives south of Pax River and shoots in his back yard often; sometimes his neighbor, a deputy sherrif, joins him.

I still prefer VA over the land of pleasant living as far as CCW goes. It rankles me that I have to leave the gun at home when I visit Pax River/Lexington Park.

The job might be open because the dude who had it before you, just couldn't take anymore and moved to a firearms friendly state. Food for thought. If firearms were important to me, I would be hard pressed indeed to take a job in Maryland or New Jersey or Illinois.
In Maryland, the pervasiveness of "give-up" and "give-in" to the antis,from even "rational" shooters is disapponiting.

However, they have been here longer than I, and "beaten down" is a expression I have heard more than once.

Come on in. Vote early and often.

Maryland is a pretty small state. I don't know where Lexington Park is, but could you live in PA or VA and commute? Either of those is a pretty good gun option.
Yes, Maryland is exceptionally annoying when it comes to gun laws. I live in Pennsylvania, but I'm a mere 3 minutes from the Maryland border and I happen to work and do much of my shopping, errands, business, etc in Maryland because it is so much closer than the nearest locations in PA. As a result, I can't carry anywhere near as often as I'd like to since Maryland doesn't honor Pennsylvania permits (or probably any other state's permits for that matter). If I'm understanding the laws correctly, I can't even travel in Maryland with my carry gun unloaded and locked in the trunk of my car. It's a shame too, because I'm dead certain that if I were ever to be involved in a really bad situation that would necessitate the use of a gun, it is significantly more likely happen in Maryland, not Pennsylvania. :banghead:

Personally, I'd rethink this potential job. Gun laws aside, I don't know what you're making now, but this new job better be a very big improvement because the cost of living in Maryland is pretty high, at least compared to Pennsylvania anyway. That alone was a huge deterrent in keeping me from moving to Maryland long before I ever took a genuine interest in firearms.
Maryland is actually gun friendly, but Baltimore, D.C. suburbs, and annapolis area are not. the rest of the state where probably more than 1/2 of the people live mainly keep to themselves, and for the most part are gun friendly, but not vocal about their rights, especially in the face of the bradys fanaticism. The efforts of a fairly small amount of us have kept most of the California style laws out, and we are indeed on the front lines of the laws and debate. and Its alway nice to be able to call more decent pro gun folks neighbor.:)
Maryland is actually gun friendly

Getting thrown in prison for two years for keeping a firearm in your car is NOT what I consider to be gun friendly.
If you don't mind living in a may issue state on par with MA, KA, NY, IL, that is run by only four urban centers( Baltimore County, Baltimore City and Montgomery & high crime rate Prince George's County).

If you must, live in VA or PA, maybe DE and commute.:)
See a shrink - quick. Most of the Marylanders and ex's summed it up accurately. I don't know what the COL in your area is, but Lexington Park has grown considerably and housing prices are close to those in the DC metro area.

The pistol transport law gets a little overblown in my opinion. I don't worry about stopping for gas, beer or other essentials. But then again I'm a middle-aged white guy in a clean SUV with only two NRA decals.

If you take the job let us know - always glad to have another pro-gun person in the state.
I would avoid CA, NY, NJ, MD, IL and MA like the plague. Actually, MA is doable if you live in NH, because they issue non-resident one-year CCWs. The problem with MD is that they do not issue non-resident permits. If you choose to live in a neighboring state, you'll have to be willing to commute sans gun.
Long-guns are legal in cars in MD. Get a Kel Tek Sub-2000, fold it, and put it in a briefcase.
I lived in Great Mills for ten years before returning to VA. Southern Maryland is by far the most conservative part of the State, but the population of greater DC/Baltimore/Montgomery County still drives the politics. I miss the water, Sanner's Lake GC (mentioned previosly), and higher-than-average salaries, but don't miss the politcal climate. Lotsa commuters from the Dahlgren area of VA, but it's a 45+ minute ride.

Check out the forums at somd.com for a feel of the folks.

Except for suffering the occasional hockey-puck-called-crabcake I get around here, and hearing that the rockfish are running, I'm glad I returned to the Old Dominion.
Maryland is actually gun friendly

Getting thrown in prison for two years for keeping a firearm in your car is NOT what I consider to be gun friendly.
I think he meant that the people are pretty gun-friendly except in a few areas. The crappy thing is that those areas have enough population density (and the rest of the state is apathetic enough) that they can dictate politics for the rest of the state.

Another part of the problem IMO, is that there are a lot of people here who vote Democrat by default for no other reason than that's how they've always voted. I can't even count the number of people I've met who will literally spout Dem. campaign propaganda as if it's fact, while demonizing everything the Repubs. do. ie: in the last gubernatorial election: o'malley improved Baltimore so much, reduced crime, etc, while Ehrlich is a liar, refused to cooperate with the dems (meaning he wouldn't rubber stamp whatever unconstitutional bills they sent him), doesn't care about people, etc.
Don't Do It!!!

I lived in MD for almost twenty years, and was more than happy to leave. Crime is going up and they keep trying to push through new gun regs. I got pulled over for speeding once and there was 1!!! shotgun shell on the floor. (They kept me in handcuffs for about forty five minutes while they called it in to see if it was illegal!!:banghead: After they found out it was not illegal I had to listen to a spiel on why no one except police should be allowed to have guns period!!:cuss: Stay Away!!
The one place I was "turned in" for having a CDNN catalog turn up was in Rockville. Contrary to popular opinion, possession of a CDNN catalog in Rockville is not a hanging offense. Could've fooled me, though.

If your place is like Rockville, you may get not only a state income tax but a county and possibly even a city income tax - I'm not sure about the city thing but I do recall having no money left over. You can take a 30% pay cut, move to Texas and live like a king (relatively).

I believe Montgomery county has 40% of the population working directly for one government or the other. This may be rumor but the only other private sector drone I knew at James III (Montrose, now shut down) and I believed it.

Dave, of shotgun guruness, is in Maryland. Had I known this at the time I may well have stayed.

If the Aloha is still open in Gaithersburgh, you may or may not be treated to some fine entertainment while dining. Mary's probably getting up there in years, though.

We need more activists up there. If you go, we'll give you moral support if nothing else.
Speaking as someone who's family has been in Md. for over 300 years, and who grew up there. DON'T DO IT! I left as soon as I was capable of supporting myself, and do not even go back to visit. While it is blessed with great natural beauty, it's a ***thole, politically speaking.
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