Presidential Election 2008

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I think it's a little funny that we're getting this "gun-grab paranoia" based on who gets into the White House. Does anyone remember Civics class in high school? It takes a lot more than one person in a political office to decide which laws go through and which don't.

What about executive orders? Didn't Bush Sr sign one that prevents us from getting SIG 550's?

Hmmmmmmmm...maybe I should send him a Thank You card. Just kidding. Cslinger will not be sending him one for sure.

Now who will Hillary's VP be...?

I would worry more about who the VP on Hillary's ticket will be. Being the first woman president (and a psycho extremist to boot), she puts herself in a dangerous place by taking the throne... err... Presidency. Concentrate on the VP... He/She'll be running this country for most of those 4 (8? 16? 20?) years, I'll wager.

Of course I am a cynical bastard with no real grasp of the current political climate, so... :rolleyes:

I could be (and most likely am) wrong.
Yes, Bush Sr. signed that idiotic executive order following the Stockton shootings. Congress then passed a law that codified the order and made it part of §922.
There is ZERO chance of her getting elected. So much so that I hope to hell she gets the Democraptic nomination.

Depends on how inept the R crowd is in pickin' a candidate. They could really screw this up and slip Hillary into the White House.

Don't you doubt it.... :eek:

A conspiwassy to keep oil products and gas prices high in this country?

Naaaaah, it's all an accident! The "Republican" dominated Congress and WH all just accidently agree not to open up the oil and gas fields we have at home. And they all accidently - or maybe it is coincidently fail to use any leverage on the countries that sell us oil.

So you see, this conspiwassy nonsense is just plain wrong. The "Republican" dominated Congress and WH just let the years run by, one after another without doing anything about it, accidently or coincidently. Not intentionally. ;)
If ever it looks like Hillary has a chance I'll be buying RIFLES and AMMUNITION.

As much as I like to tinker with handguns, rifles are more useful (not to mention easier to teach and more ammunition efficient). In a country run by a Clinton a rifle is what you need.


you need a dose of reality. Republicans want to open ANWR. Clinton (Democrat last time I looked) signed an executive order banning it.

Every time Republicans try to improve energy, the Dems and their buddies in the media scream they're trying to ruin the environment.

If you watch mainstream media, the only people in the world that count are McCain and Hillary because those two are the darlings. That's what the liberal media want, not reality. Republican will most likely be a governor. Governors don't have a voting record that can be attacked like senators.
LAK, I don't know if you're talking about ANWR (which the Republicans want open and the Dems have been blocking) or the strategic oil reserves. If it's the latter, you might look the issue up a bit and realize that those reserves are kept on standby for all but the most extreme emergencies, such as a total cutoff due to war or other situation. No one touches those reserves, whether Republican or Democrat, because when they are needed, it won't be to modify prices or ease our pump shock. It'll be to keep this nation functioning while the crisis resolved.

By the way, why are you talking about gas fields? Whether we tap them or not is irrelevant, since Clinton and Gore blocked building the gas pipelines necessary to get the gas from said fields to where it's needed most.
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