Prices Dropping

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Please stop saying it's deflation, it's not.

When the prices of EVERYTHING start falling, then it's deflation.

The guns+acc+ammo are just a drop in demand cause of the earlier silly panic buying.
pretty good thread, all things considered
(considering we don't do politics here, and only 5 out of 28 posts so far specifically refer to a politician)

the economy sucks
people are hurting, lots of 'em are hurting bad, my people are
no magic fix in sight
but guns and ammo prices are dropping
(who ever woulda' thunk it... yeah, right)

no shortage of bad news to go around
but it's not all bad news
me, no problem finding as much ammo as I can afford, in calibers of my preference
frustration factor aside, never was a big problem nohow, hoarding not required, never was near as hard on me as filling up the gas tank
if you can afford some, buy some, better now than then
wideners had woof primers for $18/k. that's a heckuva lot cheaper than 6 months ago

sadly, they just 'sploded so don't know if they're still taking orders. i hope so
Yeah, I'm going to go with the companies have overstocks and realized they can't play off the "Obama's taking our guns!" thing as much now that his approval rating is in the tank and Democrats can't afford to tick off the independents with another AWB.

It's actually one of my pet peeves: Every time I go into a gun shop that's not my regular, somebody behind the counter says "Buy now, because Obama might take our guns," and sure enough, I just roll my eyes, ignore the $400 for a non-scoped Savage Edge and the $500 stock Yugo SKS (marked as a ChiCom) and walk out. They are using fear to get what they want... Hmm, sounds like the Brady Center to me.
One more thing, deflation is a universal phenomenom, it doesn't just hit guns. When it happens we will know it. It just means that no matter how cheap something is, that there is no market for it, as no one can afford to buy it.
I spoke to a gun shop the other day and the owner mentioned that ammunition never really went up in price or it did slowly during the Obama scare period. He said most of the increases seen at retail were due to the distributor or retail store and not the manufacturer. He said if you ordered directly from the manufacturer, the price never changed or it has slowly increased (inflation) as things do in the market place. Availablity was another matter.
the problem with deflation is that if i can buy it today for 10$ and tomorrow or next week it will be $9 and week after that will be 8$ then nothing gets sold as people just wait. also along with delining wages. what we have now is more like dis-inflation for lack of a better term.
One more thing, deflation is a universal phenomenom, it doesn't just hit guns. When it happens we will know it. It just means that no matter how cheap something is, that there is no market for it, as no one can afford to buy it.
Kind of like houses?
Yes Buck, but even houses still have a market. Too many people are waiting for them to go even lower before "taking the plunge", the problem with this, "I can tell you from trading stocks, since the 70's", is that you never catch the bottom or the top, if you do it's only by luck. Usually these things just take off and leave you standing at the barn. There is a Trillion and a half in cash sitting on the sidelines that many large companies are waiting to invest. When they do drop it into the economy, it's going to take off. Now that could be anytime between now and when the cows come home. But it's the American worker who is getting screwed, we don't know if and when they are going to start hireing again, so buying anything that you don't really need becomes a burden. A lot of guys with 2 or 3 kids don't even know what they are paying for, any more, 5 cell phones, internet premium this, and that. Deflation hasn't hit us yet but if it does we are going to have an impossible time coming back, as it will mean there is no market for anything because there is no available cash on hand, Americans don't save. So it dosen't matter how cheap it is if you haven't got any money to buy it with.
gym wrote: "Deflation hasn't hit us yet but if it does we are going to have an impossible time coming back, as it will mean there is no market for anything because there is no available cash on hand, Americans don't save. So it dosen't matter how cheap it is if you haven't got any money to buy it with."

Right you are gym, and let's hope that never happens.
yes again to what gym said

capitalism was invented by neither God nor Satan (it was more or less invented by our friends, the Brits, not all that long ago, or whatever)
it's a economic mechanism invented by man, which has a tendency to get screwed up on a pretty regular basis, like everything else invented by man, no guarantees

patience is your friend, panic is not your friend, never was
but there is no magic
if there was, you could rely on any randomly chosen talking TV head of whatever preferred radical flavor of your choice to "just fix it" with a wave of the wand
(don't hold your breath, has never once happened that way in the last several million years)

but, if you keep your head screwed on straight, and don't panic, you will probably come out of it better than most
no guarantees

in the meantime, buy as much ammo as you can put to good practical use
and do thyself no harm by your own hand
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