Prince Harry heads for Iraq

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Apr 28, 2006
Very few of our leaders have enough commitment to our Forces to allow their own relatives to go or to even level the load on the population.

The prince has insisted he should receive no special treatment despite security concerns.

"There's no way I'm going to put myself through Sandhurst (the army officers' training college) and then sit on my arse back home while my boys are out fighting for their country," he said in 2005.

He even reportedly threatened to quit the army if he was not allowed to serve on the front line.

I like the bit about sitting back.
Harry will be going over to Iraq just about the time the Brits begin to pull out their forces.
He's a tanker. Inside a tank is probably the safest place to be in all of Iraq. Not to mention that the Brit's are withdrawing from Iraq just as fast as they can run, so I doubt that young Harry will spend any time in a hot zone.
Paging Jenna and Babs...

"Bush, party of two, your hum-vee is ready!"

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