Privacy? What privacy?

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN
What happens when the terrorists begin using C4 suppositories? Random body cavity searches? Who are they going to get to do that job?
Well, goverment officials do like sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. Maybe they will teach them to sniff it out.
You need a profile shot of the soldier. The public needs to see the helmet markings. SS runes or the swastika in the red sheild as used by the Waffen SS would be more recogonizible to the general public.

I disagree with Jeff White on this one. You show the Nazi markings clearly you're pushed aside as a wacko. The subtle hint gets the point across very nicely. Thinking people that will get the message at all will recognize the helmet and uniform.

Now, the font idea I like, maybe something more "Nazi" looking.

I like it!
What happens when the terrorists begin using C4 suppositories? Random body cavity searches? Who are they going to get to do that job?

Simple, take the same pool of convicted offenders that the TSA draws from, and grab the ones who were party to prison rape.
I really, really like this one -- and agree with TexasSigMan except about the font. The way it is has excellent subtlety!

i was thinking the same as white i think not all to many peole really know thier histry anymore must peolpe i know would not even know what teh solider stood for or even understand the sign the usa is goig down hill dont get me wrong she is still great and i love her but she is going down hill every since the new millieum it seems like every one hate us well jsut my oppion
I have only seen a sign like that at an airport or outside a private concert venue. Maybe you could have an SS soldier rummaging through someone's medical records in an attempt to deny insurance coverage or perhaps collating multiple credit reports while stealing someone's identity. I worry about these a lot more than physical searches.

Our government has little respect for our privacy, but they definately aren't the only ones.
I have almost no fonts on my PC (can Mac fonts eb converted?). Also, I am using a real sign from a museum nearby.
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