Private Sale in the same state

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Aug 26, 2005
State of Confusion
I am looking to sell a firearm to a guy I know. I am in the state of Maine and normally wouldn't have any issues doing a private sale but this gentleman is a police officer. Should I or am I legally bound to write out a bill of sale with the serial # and so forth? I just want to have all of my bases covered. Any ideas?
If you want to have all of your bases covered, go ahead and print up a bill of sale. But to answer your question, it is not at all required by law. Of course, state law might have something to say about it that I'm unaware of, but I'd venture a guess that Maine doesn't have any such requirements. Shortly, someone who knows Maine law or is willing to look it up for us will verify.
All I can tell you is that here in Wisconsin & Minnesota you're not bound to do anything requiring you to fill out a bill of sale, let alone documenting the serial number.
On another note, I've bought handguns from cops at gun shows and can say with certainty that they were none to concerned with technicality...If you're in doubt about the laws of your state, buy an hour of time with a firearms savy attorney and take notes!:)
I met a guy to buy a rifle from him in a FTF transaction, and only when I got to his office did I discover he was an FBI agent! Helluva nice guy though, all he required was a bill of sale that said he sold it to me.
Thanks for the info guys. I have written bills of sales before but had never seen anything official, like a BATFE private bill of sale or anything and knew I could get an answer here. Maine does have pretty decent gun laws, except for the loons trying to ban concealed carry in Arcadia National Park, trying to turn it into a "VICTIM ZONE".

Thanks again
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