Product names

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Sep 20, 2007

I've been shopping around for a holster and a carry bag for a handgun. I like the Camelbak products. What I don't like is how they've named thier two products designed for concealed carry, the Demon and the Goblin. Why couldn't Camelbak name these two products something like the Protector and the Savior or something along those lines. I'm going to go visit my local REI co-op store and ask if they can order one of these for me just to see the clerks reaction when I ask if they can order me a Goblin or Demon Camelbak. I suspect the first thing he/she will do will be to check my waistline for a pistol butt sticking out.

Sometimes I think companies do more harm than good for our Rights when they name otherwise good products with bad names. Demon and Goblin? They might just as well named them Hidden Death and Mayhem. I can just hear some prosecutor in a courtroom proclaiming : "He carried his gun in a DEMON bag and had another one in his GOBLIN bag hidden in his trunk". Just great. Thanks Camelbak, maybe I'll just stick with the Galco pack for now instead, but I am going to go see what sort of reaction I get at the outdoor store.

Discuss if you want to.

And if I do get an overly emotional drone clerk at the store I'll just say it's a great way to carry a digital camera so I don't upset them toooooo much.
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