Proof that Concealed Carry permit holders live in a dream world

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Nov 24, 2006

I like how they put a ridiculous helmet on them before the "crisis event", and gloves, and the gunman goes right after the only armed person in the class lol. "So realistic!!!"

This goes to show that you more training is necessary not "dont bother with a gun just run away". Yikes.
It's kinda old, but you'll also notice that the attacker is also a trained law enforcement firearms instructor that knows the armed people in the scenario. Notice he has perfect head shots before they even pulled their guns. What a coincidence.

That's not to say that CCW holders don't need to realize that they aren't bulletproof because they have a firearm. It's absolutely rediculous to say that this is definitive proof that all CCW holders live in a dreamworld... ABC - typical.

An actual informative series on YouTube that focuses on real life scenarios is "First Person Defender". Similar to this, they take it to the correct place and give people tips on how to better their chances.
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I like how they put a ridiculous helmet on them before the "crisis event", and gloves, and the gunman goes right after the only armed person in the class lol. "So realistic!!!"

This goes to show that you more training is necessary not "dont bother with a gun just run away". Yikes.
But it's on TV, so it has to be true.:neener: Second the need training part, but no firearm? then why do police have them.
The "First person defender" is a better version of this.
Agreed, its an old video and very slanted. Still, there is no denying that your best defense is avoidance and awareness. The bad guy already knows what he is going to do, we are playing catch up at 200 miles per hour, not a good scenario to be in. Very few public ranges allow the shooter to draw from a holster and shoot so most shooters just go out and punch holes in paper at a very slow pace. Very few concealed weapon permit holders seek out advanced training. So to some extent the video does have an element of reality to it.
The comments to the video are interesting........

<deleted>! Controlled by the press If a gunman comes into the room your only chance is to have a gun! Diane Sawyer is a moron!"

"I'm glad most people see this for the ridiculous demonstration it is. Diane Sawyer trying to push her anti-gun propaganda. "

"This is one of the dumbest videos I have ever seen.......Shame on you ABC."

"The makers of this pathetic video are the ones living in a dream world. No, don't use your gun to defend yourself...just wait and hope for the cops to come....they will save you from the home invasion/mugging already in progress......LOL!!

Gun-grabbers are some of the most ignorant people on earth....damn."

"Total BS setup. What a complete pile of garbage.............."

" ABC, HA!!! what the heck do you expect from the propaganda machine that is the mainstream media. Nice try ABC, but no cigar, you failed. Its no wonder I haven't watched your channel in years."

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The one thread I find in common with every such argument that anti-gunners make on this topic is:

"You're going to die, so just give up and accept it."

News flash: I'm not going to "just give up and accept it". There are lots of people in this world who are bigger, stronger, and meaner than I am and who could kick my keister at will. But like I told one such guy many years ago:

"You may get your meal outta me, but I'm going to get my sandwich outta you."
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