Proposed Legislation Could Ban All Ammunition in Vermont

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If my reading comprehension is right, it doesn't come out and say "Hey we want your ammunition" but apparently seeks the legal authority to regulate/ban certain toxic chemicals, presumably some of these chemicals are contained in ammunition.
[Not off topic, but not on topic centerline either:

There actually is a person in Vermont named Charity Carbine ???

But she's anti-gun ???

I can't believe it. The gods must be crazy.]
NRA-ILA must be having a slow legislative time.

Having plowed through the bill posted by Bhamrichard I see nothing that is linked to firearms and ammunition whatsoever.

in THEORY, yes it would be potentially possible that at a later time, lead (as in ammunition) COULD be added as a "priority scheduled" item.

Equally it could include, petrol, diesel, heating oil, all non water based paints, brake cleaning fluid, "tube" TV's, compact fluorescent light tubes, every agricultural pesticide and herbicide, electronic and plumbing solder etc etc. All have potentially toxic/carcinogenic/mutagenic chemicals in them.

It appears the bill has been raised in response to the ever popular lead and cadmium in toys from China etc.
NRA-ILA must be having a slow legislative time.

The NRA-ILA is as anti-anti as the anti's are anti-gun. They will scream anything from the rooftops and try to remotely connect it to the anti's. For the most part I ignore anti's and anti-anti's :D
The bill specifically only applies to children's products. This is one of the worst examples of "the boy who cried wolf" that I have ever seen. The bill isn't even remotely targeted at guns or ammunition, and it isn't even a disguised attempt by anti's to set the stage for a gun grab.

The worst thing about these emails is that tons of ignorant people will actually act on them and spread around chain-emails spreading fear and lies. Then you get all the fools riled up who contact their government reps, which in turn makes the gun activist community look like a bunch of retards.
"During questioning before the House committee regarding the potential impact of H. 484, Department of Environmental Conservation Deputy Commissioner Justin Johnson said that it was foreseeable that the enactment of this legislation could outlaw the ammunition you use for hunting, plinking, or self-defense."

Naw, an anti-gun or anti-hunting DNR head would never try to use such a law to ban lead ammunition!

Keep on whistling,'s for the children! It's for the children!
hmm... well reading through that it is pretty specific about these 'dangerous chemicals' only in children's products, but there is definitely potential for it to easily be expanded later.

Oh, children might have access to these? Some people take their children shooting with them? then the other sources of lead must go too!
Why can't we ban children for the sake of chemicals?

I like chemicals. Don't we all like some chemicals or others?

My father-in-law is a Chemistry professor. He laughs at food labels that say, "No chemicals!" because everything is made of chemicals.
That's precisely why we cannot ban children for the sake of chemicals, Armed Bear.
Because children are made of chemicals too.

Why not ban stupid legislation?
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