Put down your gun and fight fair.....

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Dec 31, 2002
This happened in San Antonio


One man suffered serious head injuries and another man suffered a minor gunshot wound when they got into a fight with a pair of teenagers Thursday night on the city's West Side.

Gilbert Salas, 55, told police that he was watching TV when his 33-year-old neighbor came over and said that someone stole some tools from his pickup in the 5100 block of Bartmer.

Salas then confronted two teens he suspected of stealing the tools with a pistol and fired a shot into the air.

After the teens persuaded Salas to put down his weapon and fight with his fists, one of them tried to pick up the gun, which accidentally went off, wounding Salas in the foot, police said.

"I didn't even know it hit me," Salas said from his home Friday.

One of the teens then allegedly attacked the other man with a decorative brick from a flower bed and a piece of a two-by-four, police said.

"He was badly beat up," Salas said.

The man was transported to University Hospital with severe head injuries. Salas was treated and released, but must stay off his foot for several weeks.

Police are searching for the teens.
jsalcedo said:
This happened in San Antonio

Salas then confronted two teens he suspected of stealing the tools with a pistol and fired a shot into the air.

After the teens persuaded Salas to put down his weapon and fight with his fists, one of them tried to pick up the gun, which accidentally went off, wounding Salas in the foot, police said.

Idiot meets idiot :banghead: :banghead:

my definition of FAIR: friendlies go home safe and sound, f**k the others. Perfectly fair would have been to hold these teens at gunpoint until police arrives.
Medusa said:
Perfectly fair would have been to hold these teens at gunpoint until police arrives.

Right, because being young = being a criminal. Whenever we suspect some kid has done something wrong, pull a gun, fire a shot in the air, point it at him, and hold him. Nothing at all wrong with this, right?
Right, because being young = being a criminal. Whenever we suspect some kid has done something wrong, pull a gun, fire a shot in the air, point it at him, and hold him. Nothing at all wrong with this, right?

From the article:
After the teens persuaded Salas to put down his weapon and fight with his fists, one of them tried to pick up the gun, which accidentally went off, wounding Salas in the foot, police said.

"I didn't even know it hit me," Salas said from his home Friday.

One of the teens then allegedly attacked the other man with a decorative brick from a flower bed and a piece of a two-by-four, police said.

"He was badly beat up," Salas said

Yeah real angels

If I were an unarmed kid, and some armed old man attacked me, I would love it if I could talk the fool into setting his weapon down so I could become armed.

The kids did not pick this fight, they are the victims here. Beating the guy with a brick is alright in my eyes. Part of self-defense is making sure you can leave without being shot in the back.
SomeKid said:
The kids did not pick this fight, they are the victims here. Beating the guy with a brick is alright in my eyes.

I wonder if the courts will consider them to be "victims.":scrutiny:

Both parties acted badly, and both sides of the story aren't being told here, but given that the teenagers actually shot, hit Salas with a brick, and a 2 X4, I think they are going to have to have one HECKUVA lawyer to even get them down to aggravated assault...more likely attempted manslaughter. My guess is they're both going to end up married to whoever has the most cigarettes in prison.
I got into a similar discussion once (Looking at the title is all I have time for).
The discussion about CCW and stuff. I was going on about when to shoot, etc.
And he said something about "What about when you need to bust a head, like if he spills your beer or something?" (I can't remember the exact question he asked, but it was along these lines.)
I said, "I don't bother my self with peddy squabbles."
He took offense to this, because apparently every time he ever threw punches or fought for anything was over watered down alcohol.
Let's tally mistakes.

Let's count mistakes by both parties. First one to a total wins!
1. Theft
2. Confronting them when nobody was in danger
3. Using force (shot in the air) when none was justified
4. Putting your piece down after you have escalated the situation.
5. Going for someone else's gun.

I'm sure there are less obvious ones, anyone care to continue the count?

A neighbor reported to Salas that these particular kids had broken into his truck.

Salas confronted the kids with a gun. The kids egged Salas into a fistfight.

The kids try to beat the samaritan neighbor and the truck owner to death
and pick up the gun and shoot them.

Believe it or not there are groups of gang banger thief kids that wander around looking for stuff to steal and people to terrorize.

I used to live on the West side of San Antonio. Each morning my house was tagged, car windows broken, beer bottles in my yard anything, left in the yard was stolen anything left in view in the car was stolen.

I can see where someone would get fed up and confront the people responsible. Especially if my neighbor came over and pointed out who did it.

Too bad Salas was a dumbass
1911 guy said:
Let's count mistakes by both parties. First one to a total wins!
1. Theft
2. Confronting them when nobody was in danger
3. Using force (shot in the air) when none was justified
4. Putting your piece down after you have escalated the situation.
5. Going for someone else's gun.

I'm sure there are less obvious ones, anyone care to continue the count?

6. No proof that the teens were guilty of theft. He only suspected.
7. Salas got involved with an incident that he had no business getting into.
8. Instead of going to the police, the 33-year-old went to his neighbor (Salas).:confused: ( I like my neighbors but wouldn't ask them to back my play in a situation like this)
The only way a fight is "fair" is when there's a ref present and a ring surrounding the fighters. What an idiot:rolleyes:

So many screw ups here as to be laughable, if not for the fact that someone could have gotten seriously hurt.



shoulda known, i live in city of abuncha idiots

ok i live on the outskirts in live oak, but it dont surprise me, sa is where i came from
Medusa said:
my definition of FAIR: friendlies go home safe and sound, f**k the others. Perfectly fair would have been to hold these teens at gunpoint until police arrives.

Sounds close to mine...

The response to "put your gun down and fight fair..." is more like
"Put yourself facedown on the deck or get shot..."

I prefer these axioms:

"A fair fight means you and your men have a 50% chance of dying or failing your mission"

"A fair fight means someone seriously screwed up in the planning phase"
i know this may seem minor, but i wonder when the LEOs were called? Was it before the neighbor went to get Salas or was it after the 'fight' with the teenagers?
jsalcedo said:
A neighbor reported to Salas that these particular kids had broken into his truck.

I can see where someone would get fed up and confront the people responsible. Especially if my neighbor came over and pointed out who did it.

Too bad Salas was a dumbass

Actually the article says;

"Gilbert Salas, 55, told police that he was watching TV when his 33-year-old neighbor came over and said that someone stole some tools from his pickup in the 5100 block of Bartmer.

Salas then confronted two teens he suspected of stealing the tools with a pistol and fired a shot into the air."

Emphasis added. Doesn't say the neighbor id'd these kids.

Salas is an idiot.

It's a badly written article.

I'm from these parts so I understand their diction.

The neighbor was informing Salas of the the kids that had broken into Sala's truck and stolen Sala's tools

Like any good neighbor would.

Sala's was probably too drunk or stupid to handle the situation properly.

As a side note..to be a reporter in San Antonio, Reading, Writing and Speaking English are not required on your resume.
The simple fact that Salas had a gun and went looking for a fight makes him an idiot. Whether or not these puke little boys actually stole something or not, Salas never saw them nor did he have any property value at stake. They assumed this pukes had stolen the items, but had no proof. Now Salas confronts the dickweeds with lethal force then proceeds to get his buddy's ass beat and himself shot in the foot. Nice grounds for justification on his part. :banghead:

Salas should be locked up in stupidtown for a year for violating the basic law of common sense!!
Do not give up the gun !!!!!!!!!!

Just had a call on A older gentleman, caught a younger man stealing gas from his car in the driveway. he had a gun and came up behind the thief, the thief tries to get the guy to drop the gun and he refuses, so the the thief says you do not have the balls to shoot me. POW right in the thigh.
Older guy says he was defending himself and the guy made a motion towards him , said he did not want to kill the young man but had to make a stand and so far no charges !!!!! Younger guy still complaining "I cant believe he shot me"
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