Queasy Feeling I Just Can't Shake...

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Jul 21, 2006
Chilling Out in the Valley of The Sun
Nope this isn't the title to my new country music album, it is a general question for all the gun owners out there. I am trying to keep specific politics and such out of this comment, but they do affect our gun rights, directly. Hopefully this won't get locked and isn't appropriate, but I am hoping to gauge where people think we are at.

For the last few weeks, I have been thinking about the overall atmosphere regarding guns in our country and despite the progress that has been made, most recently by the Heller decision, I literally get a queasy feeling when I think about where we are headed.

Are we gun owners going to be sitting there, shaking our heads, wondering what happened, when in 2 years we have MAJOR gun control being passed once again?

I look at the NARROW victory we just had with Heller where literally we couldn't afford to lose even one justice, or the 2nd amendment would have been basically ruled obsolete. You had 4 sitting Supreme Court justices that for whatever personal reasons, decided that the 2nd amendment of the Bill of Rights was not individual and should be weighed on a cost/benefit analysis. Does that scare you as much as me?

I look at the the party that has control in both Houses of Congress, is most likely going to win the White House this fall, and who knows what is possible from that group. The individual running for President is as anti-gun and pro-gun control as you can find. You have the Speaker of the House, from one of the most liberal anti-gun areas in our country, and the Senate Majority leader both limiting any pro-gun legislation from even being voted on.

You have every major media outlet that report most if not all gun related issues in a negative manner.

You have states like Illinois, California, Hawaii, Massachussetts, New York, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and several others with gun laws that are so illogical and ridiculous on the books, and many more in the works to make buying, keeping, carrying, or shooting guns even more troublesome or restrictive.

Even though I have touted the success we have had in the last 4 to 5 years with the Castle Doctrine, Conceal Carry, and the National Emergency Firearm legislation being passed, as I take a long hard look at where we sit, I am worried.

Am I overreacting? Are we going to be sitting there kicking ourselves because we let it happen? I wasn't involved in the Clinton gun ban and because of finances and life circumstances, I wasn't a big advocate for guns and gun rights at that time. Did people see the writing on the wall before it hit? Were gun owners sitting around wondering how they let that happen when it passed?

I don't mean this as a judgement or condemnation of anyone, I guess I just wonder if most the gun owners of this country are casual owners that can take it or leave it, or is there enough passion and love of the 2nd amendment that we can head off the problems that are no doubt, coming our way.

I'm worried, do I need to relax?. :uhoh:
I guess I just wonder if most the gun owners of this country are casual owners that can take it or leave it, or is there enough passion and love of the 2nd amendment that we can head off the problems that are no doubt, coming our way.


I think that some people need to be hit smack in the face to notice when their rights are taken away. They may value those rights, but they pay no attention to what's going on.
I think your queasy feelings are entirely justified, unfortunately. There have been some victories - things are mostly better than they were 10 years ago for gun owners - but there are so many issues. And the politics on so many levels are so messed up, and law enforcement continues to become ever more politicized, which it shouldn't be.

I think a lot of us are thinking similar thoughts, but don't care to share them in writing, or even in polite company.

Remember, it's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
i am too worried. For over the past year i have been building up my black powder gun supply just for this reason.
So are we gun owners going to be sitting here in 2 years whining about the gun control that is being passed that we have ABSOLUTELY no control over and NO WAY to stop?

I'm worried because this time it might not just be something limiting your rounds to a 10 round mag and a specific weapon. It might not be something that will have a 10 year sunset either.

And while I agree eternal vigilance goes with the territory, are there enough passionate gun owners to make a difference?
I can agree with you sentiments of uneasiness.

Historically, when times are tough, people will willingly give up their freedoms to the government in order for a little more protection / comfort. Revolution never happens when economies are good, everyone is well off, etc - they happen when everyone is hurting, or at least enough are hurting.

And don't imagine that the Revolution will be a Libertarian one, or a return to the values of the Founding Fathers - it will be a transition away from the American ideals of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to an overreaching control by the State.

Our nation is starting to hurt more and more these days, with the Subprime Lending crisis (remember the Savings and Loan crisis - that was only $160 billion dollars... estimates for the Subprime crisis range from $600 billion to $1 TRILLION - it's a bigger problem than you realize), rising energy costs / overall energy crisis, growing unemployment, etc. Consider that the Consumer Price Index has been largely replaced with a new metric, "core inflation," that specifically leaves energy and food prices out of the "basket" of goods, which are two of the prime drivers of inflation, in order to control the perception of the inflation rate. That should tell you something about where the value of your hard earned Dollar is headed. When you amalgamate these factors together, America has some seriously hard times ahead.

Of the 300 million Americans in our nation, most would gladly trade many of their liberties for a little more comfort and security, or even the illusion of security, from their government - which is, in my opinion, why we see Socialism spreading through even the US Federal Government's ranks.

"Change" is a powerful mantra for people who are afraid. They don't care what that change is, as long as it means they won't lose their homes, their jobs. People have rallied behind the cry of "Change" for the last 90 years, with some of the most oppressive governments in the world answering that cry.

As I said before, when times get tough, freedoms are given away - and for us here, those freedoms may well be given away by our neighbors on our behalf.

For firearm owners, the right to relatively free access to effective and efficient weapons may be one of the first freedoms we see taken away in the interest of the "public good."

That is scary.

I share your uneasiness.
I was uneasy for 38 years. I was very very uneasy for May and June of 2008. I felt better on JUNE 26. Then returned to my normal uneasiness.
Here is a good quote I recently came upon that just might make it into the grey matter yet....

"It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt."
-John Philpot Curran
A lot of folks have become complacent. They are taking things for granted.

Just wait until after the next 9/11 incident (and you know they WILL test the new president). Patriot Act II get truly twisted. And you know that both parties have their own versions drawn up... I suspect the Republicans are more "we want to see your papers" and the Democrats are more "ban everything."
Being a politically aware gun owner means having a chronic smoldering gastric ulcer with occasional hemorrhagic flare-ups.

"It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt."
-John Philpot Curran

These are great comments and quotes which leads me to wonder why we face this environment in the first place. When I look at all of the websites, forums, blogs, organizations, products, and companies selling gun related products, not even counting the 80+ million gun owners and their wives, relatives, friends, and peers; I have to wonder why we find ourselves in the predicament that we do.

Is it lack of passion from gun owners? Is it lack of organization? Is it ignorance on the part of gun owners as to how things really are?

I don't know, it just seems to me that we should be able to control, influence, or change this, but despite all of that, I look at the future and as I have mentioned, it leaves me feeling a bit worried. I'm not a "sky is falling" kind of guy, but things don't look to good to me right now. I don't believe our current and future political environment is a direct result of peoples take on guns in this country, but I can tell you one thing, IT IS going to have a direct affect on our gun rights because the change of direction people think they want is going to bring some nasty side effects, particularly on our gun rights.
Never relax, but luckily more people have a more moderate view, and there is a lot more CCW which has helped gun rights.

That and even Remington is selling a EBR to hunters, how more american pie can you get...

But be ALWAYS aware, and we have a lot of work to do.
Never relax, but luckily more people have a more moderate view, and there is a lot more CCW which has helped gun rights.

That and even Remington is selling a EBR to hunters, how more american pie can you get...

I agree that this is all good, but really what has it gotten us? Despite all those positives we are still facing the storm on the horizon.
The government can't take our firearms if we all stick together. The problem is I don't think there are enough gun owners who really care deeply about the 2nd. Many gun owners would give up their guns for fear of imprisonment. If we just refuse to give them up they can't take them. I don't think they have the resources to imprison all of us. Like I've seen quoted on here many times, "you won't need the second amendment until they try and take it". I believe that. I hope it never becomes crazy like that but i can see it.
I'm glad most of us are united. I will not give them up. I have a feeling that they will go after ammo.
Is it lack of passion from gun owners? Is it lack of organization? Is it ignorance on the part of gun owners as to how things really are?

It can be any or all of the above. I do believe any interest group can be formidable and dare say crucial to assisting in the incremental process of change but I'll say it... they can also be their own worst enemy.

(flame shield up)
I don't think there is enough votes to do another AWB, and handguns are off the table for now.

I hate to burst the bubble on this, but they are passing or trying to pass laws every year in our country that specifically target "assault weapons" or handguns.

And come January 2009, I don't think they are going to be looking at anything as off the table. The votes are there and will be there to do pretty much whatever they want.

I don't think gun bans are going to be at the top of the list, I see it more as a side attack coming in with other types of legislation, and each of those slowly but surely making it tougher to buy, carry, own, or shoot a gun. Like I said, when the majority in power chooses to act or not act on something, we are going to be in trouble.
The problem is I don't think there are enough gun owners who really care deeply about the 2nd.

And there's the rub–by and large, gun owners do not know or care about what exactly the right to keep and bear arms truly entails.

The issue is just not that important in their estimation.

If it was indeed deathly serious, the NFA and GCA would have been nipped in the bud pronto and the mere existence of the VPC and Brady cliques would never be tolerated in our society.
I volunteer with a grassroots pro-second amendment organization, and frequently work the table at local gunshows. What I am seeing from the people at the shows, and many I talk to in my private life, is a sense of frustration with the federal government as a whole. I also talk to a fair number of people who either just don't think we could ever lose our guns, or are so busy trying to get through life from paycheck to paycheck, that they don't take the time to stay informed.

Despite all that, I'm encouraged by what I see happening in this country on the gun rights front! More and more states are debating, and in many cases passing shall issue CCW laws. Castle doctrines are also becoming more common, as are the laws about keeping guns in your car at work! This is happening because we are electing pro-gun candidates, and demanding that they support our rights!

My personal opinion, is that a LOT of the voting public has had it with their Congressmen, and Senators in Washington not listening to their wishes. Their response, is to fight for their rights at the state level. Many, if not all states have something similar to the second amendment in their state constitutions. My hope, is that if the U.S. Congress starts passing restrictions on the second amendment in the future, it will be states that stand united against those laws, not just individual gun owners!

Do we all need to be nervous? YES! Being nervous will give us the motivation to stay informed, and fight for our rights!
I guess I am not radical enough

I am just getting back to THR after a few years. As I expected, it seems that so many are hopped up on fears that everything will come crashing down any moment. I just don't understand. I have been a gun owner for 45 years, and I firmly support controls on firearms. After all, why should we protect that barrio cholo's right to have massive firepower? Reading through the THR posts is enough to give the impression that everyone is stocking up arms and ammo for the day when the government says "no more guns". and then everyone is going to start shooting. But isn't that what we all want to do secretly? I take out my shooting passion at SASS and in my back pasture, so I have no need to shoot people. But, sadly, there are so many that think that the only way to quench the desire is to shoot someone. We should limit the weapons that they have access to. Not the .32 Smith & Wesson, or the 1911, or the Winchester 94... but the outrageous. I guess I am alone here, but what the hell... I have no fears that I will lose any rights. I have 20 pistols, rifles and shotguns. I will always have them. I have ammo for each. Confiscating firearms would be such an impossible and unworkable action that it would never happen. I sleep comfortably at night, and never dwell on my right to bear arms. LBD

"Fortunately, I always keep my feathers numbered" -Foghorn Leghorn
If everyone who is wearing their little american flag lapel pin and a black armband in honor of the victims wants you to turn in your guns "for safety," guess what? You just became a terrorist.

Gun folks are passionate, but they can't organize for beans. Because everyone has an idea of how things should work, and won't go with anyone else's concept.

No matter how similar.
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