Finally Figured it Out.

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Jul 21, 2019
Asheboro NC
I finally figured it out. Why are we hoarding/buying up all the ammo? So, when our beloved gov. comes around saying they are going to deny our 2nd amendment Constitutional rights by making ammunition hard/impossible to get one way or the other. We can say - I don't care, I have all I need - I'll just sit back on my butt and enjoy. That My Friends is how we lose our Freedom. That is how We Have Lost Our Country. That is why Our Kids, Grandkids and All future generations will Suffer The loss . Because we have All We Need Today.
We love our kids. We love our Grandkids. But not enough to ensure them the same Rights, The Same Freedom we "Had". If they can Destroy Our 2nd Amendment Rights. If they can Destroy One "Right" the Rest of OUR Constitution is Worthless. We Are The Power in this Country. Not the politician. They are Nothing More Than Servants of The People. Take It Back.
Erm ... not me. I bought lots of ammo and also donated a goodly amount to NRA and my political party / politicians. I also became a life member of SAF and GOA as well. I post regularly online in support of these goals as well. Having enough ammo does not necessarily mean you won't fight for your RKBA.\

Although some of this may be going on, mostly what I have seen is that folks don't care about the shortage because they have enough, not that they don't care about their RKBA.
Who says we ain't giving them the tools and training to assure their future freedom, or at worst dying free vs. living in a despotic regime? If you're not, you either don't care about them, or don't have any. If they reject it, fine, although I think you haven't done your job as a parent then.
Sounds like the OP is saying we should not buy ammo, just to show 'em! (The theory being that if you don't have ammo, you'll fight harder for something you could have bought, but didn't. I'm left scratching my head.)
I gave my dollar. Giving them tools and training? What I'm reading is " I will pay someone else. But I will not myself." I will give them the tools to do the work I should have done. And then there's the "I've got mine. I don't care if you do or not.
What I'm saying is. It's coming and it's coming right at us. What are we going to do. Keep bitchcryingandwhining to each other or stand up as one and say it's not going to happen.
From what I'm seeing it's going to be "Ive got mine ----
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That’s not what he’s saying. He’s saying everyone’s buying so they have their ammo when the second amendment goes away, and who cares about the future
The Second Amendment is not going away. The Democrats are suddenly realizing that gun control is a losing issue for them. Lots of post-mortems going on right now in the wake of their disappointing results in the elections.
I finally figured it out. Why are we hoarding/buying up all the ammo? So, when our beloved gov. comes around saying they are going to deny our 2nd amendment Constitutional rights by making ammunition hard/impossible to get one way or the other. We can say - I don't care, I have all I need - I'll just sit back on my butt and enjoy. That My Friends is how we lose our Freedom. That is how We Have Lost Our Country. That is why Our Kids, Grandkids and All future generations will Suffer The loss . Because we have All We Need Today.
We love our kids. We love our Grandkids. But not enough to ensure them the same Rights, The Same Freedom we "Had". If they can Destroy Our 2nd Amendment Rights. If they can Destroy One "Right" the Rest of OUR Constitution is Worthless. We Are The Power in this Country. Not the politician. They are Nothing More Than Servants of The People. Take It Back.

So nice that you can tell what everyone else is thinking...

Maybe that I how you think, but I assure you it is not how I or anyone I know thinks about the current situation.
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