Question about a Browning BPS

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Jan 31, 2009
Lebanon, TN
I have a 12 ga Browning BPS made in the early 80's with standard invector replacable choke tube. I purchased a new Browning Standard Invector choke tube and it wouldn't fit.

The original choke tube I removed from the barrel is black and of the "old style" (the new style are stainless).

The only difference in the old and new, besides the material, that I can see is that on the old style black tube there is a relief machined into the tube above the threads were the diameter of the tube is smaller than elsewhere.

The tubes are the same length. The threads are identical and start at the same distance from the bottom of the tube and are the same length. On the old style at the top of the thread there is a 1/8" long relief cut into the tube that the new style doesn't have.

The new style will not screw into the barrel flush, it lacks about 1/8" of going all the way in, about the same distance of the relief cut into the old style.

Does anyone have any knowledge of the diffences, if any, in the old and new barrels/choke tubes?

Are the old style choke tubes still available? I haven't been able to locate any.

Any help would be appreciated.

I thought I was clear, that both the old and new style are standard invector, not invector plus.

Sorry for the confusion.

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