question on extra or replacement parts?

old fart

Apr 25, 2010
I have a little extra money left over and wonder about a few parts for my G3c. Has anyone bought the striker stainless assembly from lakeline or an extra regular one replacement from Taurus? I have also looked into extra striker springs or maybe just the striker guide in stainless or the striker spring retainer in stainless or the regular plastic for extra parts? Also the recoil spring assembly in stainless or the basic from Taurus? Do you think the stainless helps the gun? Are they worth the cost and do any of y'all buy parts to have as extras? I have plenty of ammo, holsters and such but no extra parts and just thinking of getting some. Thanks for any help.
For me, the parts investment versus the cost of the gun ratio is just not worth it.

I would not spend $30, $50, or more on parts for a $250 gun, now that you shot it, it’s a $200 or less gun.

Now if that gun checks all of the boxes and is your Grail gun, or maybe even your primary EDC then cost is not an issue.

But for me, I see my handful of cheap polymer pistols as being semi disposable.