Questions about the Ruger LCP

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Dec 23, 2007
The LCP owner's manual is available online. Here's a link..

A short quote from it...

For maximum safety when carrying the pistol with a loaded magazine in place, the chamber should be empty, the slide should be closed.

I'm new to handguns but isn't that a pretty significant issue for a concealed carry gun? In the heat of the moment you're supposed to pull the gun out and then rack the slide before you're ready to shoot?

They even have a little picture warning symbol indicating the gun can go off if it's dropped. Wouldn't a striker fire system be a better design instead of a hammer at "semi-cock" (Ruger's description)? Is there a technical reason why a striker fire system can't be used for these small pocket pistols?

BTW, I stopped at my local gun shop, where they had 2 available - marked up to $349.
Well for maximum saftey no gun should be carried with a round in a chamber. The Israelis use the draw and rack method. Frankly for MAXIMUM SAFETY no guns should be loaded. For that matter for MAXIMUM MAXIMUM SAFETY there should be no guns at all.


Me thinks Ruger is CYA or in this case CIA (Covering its arse)

I have an LCP and plan to start carrying it with a round in the pipe.
If I am wrong will I suffer from Ruger Leg? :uhoh:
'm new to handguns but isn't that a pretty significant issue for a concealed carry gun? In the heat of the moment you're supposed to pull the gun out and then rack the slide before you're ready to shoot?

Lawyer talk. CYA.
the trigger pull is LONG on the LCP, I assume because Ruger knows that it will be in the pockets of many.
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