Questions about your local public gun range

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Apr 4, 2008
I have been wanting to get more practical with my range time and have been wondering if it would be ok to practice drawing and firing at my local range(s). So my question for this thread is, does your local public range allow drawing and firing? What about concealed drawing? What about firing rifles from a prone or sitting position?

This would not apply to LEO only ranges, private ranges, gun clubs, etc.

I only have 3 public ranges close to me. The closest is an indoor range that I think would allow me to practice OC drawing and firing if I asked (which I'm going to on my next trip there). Another indoor range on the other side of town will not allow it, and the other range -an outdoor range I frequent the most- would probably frown upon drawing and firing or shooting from the ground, especially because they are a popular and busy range and have no dividers between tables.

So how about your public ranges?
The closest thing we have to a public range here is a quarry on BLM land. So you'd be fine here. But I doubt my input here is useful at all. 8)
I am frequently the only person at the range I go to so I can get away with a lot. This includes drawing from a concealed holster, setting up scenarios like el presidente, or a chronograph if I want to. No rules are posted against such activities. I usually take stuff down as soon as other shooters arrive, if they do.
This really depends on the particular range. Different ranges have different rules - some of which mandate no drawing from a holster.

That said, the local public range around here basically just says to keep the range clean, use stationary paper targets only, keep shooting limited to 1 hour if there are other people waiting, and only shoot between sunrise and sunset. YMMV. Only thing you can do is go to one and check the rules.
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