Questions on a CZ-82.

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Apr 6, 2009
I recently bought a CZ-82 (pics soon, camera charging). It's in great mechanical shape, save a few things:

1. The trigger pull is a little much. I've sent ten rounds downrange and each time the trigger came along so slowly I wanted to safety the weapon and check the chamber. Does anyone make aftermarket springs for a CZ-82?

2. I have one magazine (magazine A) that won't eject. I can't figure it out, but it's catching on SOMETHING. The other mag (B) comes out quick, but if you hold it, B gets caught up like the first one. So I think it has something to do with one of the open surfaces on the magazine, and there are five I can identify: 1. The catch on the front of the magazine that holds it in place when seated. 2. The top hole for checking rounds loaded. 3. The middle hole for checking rounds loaded. 4. The bottom hole for checking rounds loaded. 5. The top surface surrounding the follower (I think thats what it's called, it's the part where you seat the rounds). ONE of those must be catching, both magazines are the same width and length, and both are smooth save a few areas of said surfaces on each. Which one would hold the magazine in?

So those are my two mechanical qualms. Anyone know how to fix them?

The last thing is the cosmetic factor of this CZ-82. Like every-other import, it's kind of scratched and the paint is chipping. I'd like to repaint it. Is there any paint out of a local hardware store that will stand up to the punishment of a handgun? Something that holds well to steel and looks good?
Check out this sight

he goes through the pistol, um the triggers are usually preaty good, there is a link about a trigger job, and these are duty guns, so a 7 to 10 lb double action is considered good, both of mine have a very nice SA pull

the mag eject off the slide release, search the about it and you'll find an awnser. OH, check the mag, if you have an vz. 82, it takes cz-83 mags, and the 83 comes in 3 different flavor, .32, 9 mak, and .380. the 9 and 380 mag can both be used with 9 mak, but they are not the same.

OH have fun repainting, you have NOT SEARCHED this firearm, therefor I wish you luck, and when you hands are painted black at the range, don't worry your just another amateur refinisher who has learned that gun solvent and paint don't mix. Or pay the pros about what you bought the gun for......
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