Quick Chicago question....

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Dec 27, 2005
Sunny San Diego
Hey guys, Im writing a paper about gun control in America for school.

I want to start the paper off talking about the two girls who were killed in Chicage back in March and how everyone started screaming for an Assault Weapons Ban in Illinios after the shootings. I want to show how an AWB would not have saved these girls.


The WASR-10 that was used in the first shooting was purchased from a dealer in Indiana. The shooter used an Indiana ID and a fake Indiana address to buy the gun. So obviously an AWB in Ill wouldnt have helped in this situation since this guy broke a couple of laws and illegally acquired the gun in another state anyway.

The reports Im reading about the second shooting vary a bit.

Phillips is suspected of firing a TEC 9 machine pistol

Police also say the weapon used in the shooting was a Tech-Nine assault weapon, which is considered illegal in this country. :uhoh:

Although some officials have described the gun that killed Siretha as also being an assault weapon, sources familiar with the investigation said forensic testing suggests the gun was a Glock pistol that may have been equipped with a large ammunition magazines.

I know Chicago has a handgun ban already.. apparently that didnt save this girl. If it was a full auto tec-9, it most likely was illegal anyway..

What is the legality of owning a Semi-Auto Tec-9 in Chicago? Are they considered handguns too?

The Glock pistol is banned by Chicago's handgun ban. The Tec-9 is considered a handgun and is likewise banned. The Tec-9 is also banned under the Cook County assault weapons ban which states that any handgun with a magazine forward of the trigger guard is a no no.

Hope this helps(with your report that is).
If the shooters had been armed with cap & ball revolvers would it have made any difference?

The victims were killed by a bullet, or bullets, fired from a firearm, in the hands of a criminal. It is the criminal that killed the victims, not the firearms that they used. They could of course, used almost any kind of gun. The particular kind of gun didn't really matter.

If someone runs over someone esle with a car do they arrest the car, or do they even care what kind of car it actually was?

Of course not. What you see here is a corrupt news media that takes an incident and shapes their account so that it will support their anti-gun agenda.

Firearms are not going to go away, anymore then cars are. The way to stop killings is to stop the killers.

The Glock pistol is banned by Chicago's handgun ban. The Tec-9 is considered a handgun and is likewise banned. The Tec-9 is also banned under the Cook County assault weapons ban which states that any handgun with a magazine forward of the trigger guard is a no no.

Hope this helps(with your report that is).

Cool.. that's what I was looking for. I just want to start off by showing that when people start crying for more laws, there are already laws covering the issue. This Chicago thing is a prime example.. Politicians just want to look like they're doing something.

If the shooters had been armed with cap & ball revolvers would it have made any difference?

The victims were killed by a bullet, or bullets, fired from a firearm, in the hands of a criminal. It is the criminal that killed the victims, not the firearms that they used. They could of course, used almost any kind of gun. The particular kind of gun didn't really matter.

Im gonna try to make that point later in the paper by explaining how the term "Assault Weapon" is just a made up thing to scare people into thinking some guns are EXTRA deadly.
Try making the point (as Old Fuff has done) that anyone blaming the instrument of the crime, for the crime, is making a fundamental error of logic. It's not the instrument that is to blame - it's the perpetrator, the one wielding the instrument. He/she might use a gun, knife, baseball bat, table lamp, motor vehicle, aircraft, speedboat, or video-tape of King Kong - the instrument is irrelevant. What is relevant is the criminality (or otherwise) of the action.
Well it begs to ask why the police need such powerful guns. I see Glocks in holsters here all of the time. Here in Chicago there are very many people sensitive to police abuse that we maybe able to use that to our advantage.

Why do police need assault weapons to police an area where guns are banned?
Hey.. I finished up the rough draft on my paper if anyone wants to check it out.. http://members.cox.net/2000ss/research_paper.doc .. tell me if I've made any technical errors when explaining guns or gun laws.

It's pretty rough, there's probably a lot of wierd grammar problems.. I've had 8 weeks to complete it and it's due Monday.. I didnt start thinking about it until last night when I started this thread. I am the world's worst procrastinator :(

The assignment was to identify a problem and offer a solution. Most of the paper deals with how gun control isnt a solution to violent crime. I want to clean up the stuff about concealed carry and expand on that a bit more. I have this John Lott book (More Guns, Less Crime) here and it's got some juicy stuff.. I dont know how accurate it is, but it sounds good :)

The conclusion sucks and I plan to fix that up so that it's more meaningful. I also want to expand on the part about criminals not being effected by gun control legislation also.. that's an important part that I kinda skimped on.
Looks pretty good! You should try to avoid the use of abbreviations in research papers- it tends to annoy instructors- especially English instructors.
Sweet.. I got an A+

Here's what the teacher said..

29 out of 25.0
Comments Quatham,
This is a good essay...clean, clear, well-supported and thorough. This is a difficult topic; let's hope education will support a change. My girlfriend who grew up in Maryland, around DC...she had some wild stories about crime and being prepared. You've improved and have great skills for academic environment. A...+5 points.(24

Good reason to write more papers on the topic. Good job

I have some more classes this semester which will allow me to use gun control as a topic of my projects.

In COMM 103, Oral Communication, Im gonna do a speech on "Assault Weapons" .. I plan educating everyone on how AW's are nothing more than scary semi-auto weapons and that the term itself is pretty dumb.

I also have PHIL 103, which is "Logic and Critical Thinking" .. the whole class consists of putting together good arguments. So I should be able to use gun control as an issue in that class too.
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