Quite possibly the stupidest thing I've heard in some time

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Battlestar Galactica

Piffle....lets keep our discussion at a mature, adult level and not give into conjecture about a subject which is so obviously below us. In other words "kids stuff".

I fear a wide ranging but ultimately futile and intellectually empty discussion of Space: 1999 would be the result if we allow ourselves to vacate our lofty tower of erudition.

Getting back on track, yes the Enterpriserentaship can teleport items, however there is no evidence that in can get through the shields of an ISD. None.

Yes the ncc-1701 can zip around and hit and run but it is a mere gnat bothering a rhino. Picard or Kirk and their do-gooder henchmen could cook up schemes all day long and still not have a chance at victory.

Given their propensity to talk first fight later they would leave themselves open to a massive, and suprising first attack. The results of which would leave not one iota of a particle of debris where the Enternoprize used to be.

I think you should give up now, before I start bringing out my heavy guns.
Wow, I thought I posted in the wrong thread. Didn't this start out about crime deterring bags or something? Anyway, I'd go with the Star Destroyer anyday. I think it's got a tractor beam that could just rip the NCC-1701 out of warp speed and crush it like a bug.
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Depends... if you own a pair of Spock ears, you're a geek. If you've actually worn them outside the house, you're a dork.

I say that in the nicest possible way, of course!

Now, if we were discussing Rouroni Kenshin, it'd be different. :D

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