R51, did anyone get the replacement?

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"When ROC starts shipping and I start hearing good reports, I might consider returning mine."

Ohhhhh, now I get it. So that's why they were stupidly calling this pistol "The Rock" when it was first introduced. Morons.

Holding onto the thing is a smart move. Why, I'll bet every gun returned drives the price up a few pennies at this point. Last one on GB sold for 730$, and only about 1 a month is coming up for auction. I think Mateba's show up more frequently than that.

Sending it back to Remington is just infrugal, IMO. You're out money, with no gun, with a promise from a nose-diving corporation in one hand and...well, you know how the saying goes ;)

barnbwt said:
"When ROC starts shipping and I start hearing good reports, I might consider returning mine."

Ohhhhh, now I get it. So that's why they were stupidly calling this pistol "The Rock" when it was first introduced. Morons.

Took you long enough. Yep. It's all marketing driven. From the name association to the fast track release without adequate QC to the tight chambers that only accept Remington branded ammo (as noted in the user manual).

So they may be taking their time with the replacements to make sure everyone of them is as right as possible, in hopes that we will be so happy with them it will drive demand to a point that supports a higher price to recoup the losses incurred in correcting their original mistakes.

But I kind of doubt it.
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