Range Day! Range Day!

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Dec 21, 2002
Nashville, Tn.
I haven't been able to go for several months. So when I got home from work Thursday I started gathering gear,( and wife!), and off we went.
No...I didn't shoot $100 worth of ammo. No...I didn't shoot any 20 shot "one ragged hole" groups. I did not "draw from holster/two shots/under two seconds" either. Wish I could.
What I did do was have a great time shooting with my wife, on a nice range with no problems...and I hope all of you can have that same kind of day every time you head for the range. Freedom is GOOD!
Isn't it amazing how therapeutic shooting is? I always feel great at the end of a day at the range. This seems like it would be a good subject for an article in one of the psychobabble magazines.

Yes I can relate to your post. I usually go to the range alone, but on occassions my wife comes along to shoot. We always have a great time togather and when we get home we clean our guns togather to top off a great day.

I go to the range 2X a week for sure and 3X about every other month.
I try to get out 2x a week myself but I haven't been to the range in about a month now as I've been concentrating on a couple of projects at home. However, I have had time to sit at the bench and turn out some ammo and when said projects are done (one more weekend should do it) I will then have the rest of the year with nothing to do except keep the yard mowed and general maintainence. Days off will then be spent on the range wringing out some new guns/barrels and enjoying the old tried and trues.
AHHHHH, I can wait but I don't want too.
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