Range near Conroe Huntsville Texas?

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dodo bird

Dec 23, 2010
Can anyone recommend a decent range near the Conroe, Huntsville Texas area? Or at least north of Houston.
There are two on 105 in Conroe proper. One was pretty high-falutin' country-club looking with separate trap, skeet, and sporting clays ranges. had a fancy restaurant/club facility, too.

There's a sign for another one, maybe half mile north of the other (both are on the east--lake--side of 105).

Used to be an interesting range on an old drive-in there in Huntsville; but it was closed the one time I tried to use it, back about '88-89

Ok, Uncle Google says one is Thunder; the other is Shooter's Station; there's also Conroe Shooting Center.

Able Ammo may have a range in Huntsville. Possum Walk Ranch has a range in Huntsville.
Just come over to Carter's Country at Treischwig in Spring, Texas. A public range with good round the clock rangemasters to ensure safety .
There's one on FM 1314 between Conroe and Porter (closer to Conroe.) I've never been to it, just seen it a few times when driving thru.
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