Range trip with the wife...a few surprises for me.

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Oct 10, 2006
Deep in the valley
I was getting ready to go to the range and practice and my wife says to me "wait up, I'll go with you". Talk about a shock to the system. My wife is stolidly gun-neutral. She really just doesn't care, at least not usually.

So I switch what I'm going to take a little with a bias towards the lighter stuff and off we go. Since it's her first time at the NRA-HQ range she has to take the educational quiz which she flies right through. Then it's into the range area where she nervously and slowly but very methodically proceeds to use a few magazines to rip one big jagged hole in the 8 ring with the .22lr pistol at about 10 feet. Now I'm impressed.

She looks at me absolutely stone faced and says "I want to shoot that one" (pointing at my P-3AT). Oh boy, so I let her know that "tiny" doesn't always mean less bang but she decides to try it anyway. First bang, edge of target. She looks at me in shock. Second bang, complete flier. Third bang in the 5 ring. She puts it down and says "that's NASTY".

Still no hint of a smile or excitement, no hint of upset, total stoneface.

So then she says "how about the one you carry all the time" (Taurus Millennium Pro PT-140). I explain that it's a pretty powerful gun 'cause I don't want her surprised. She frowns and says she'll shoot it anyway. First shot she scares herself half to death with it but she is very self controlled when she puts it carefully down on the table and then backs away. I'm thinking "oh crap, so much for that".

So I look at her and say "surprised you a little didn't it". I get this half smile and she says "yup". I say "it's like a horse, you gotta get right back on, will you shoot it two more times?" She frowns but says okay. BANG, flier on the edge of the target. I show her how to adjust her grip and stance a little... BANG, right in the 9 ring but pulled to the left. She looks at me and says "okay, I'm not afraid of it now but I'm done for tonight".

We pack it up and head home. She's really quiet for the car ride home but that's usual when she has a lot she's thinking over. Nevertheless I'm thinking to myself "well, she really didn't enjoy that so she probably won't go again".

So we get home and I'm cleaning things up and locking them away and she comes into the room.

"You didn't really have any fun did you?" I ask.
"Well," she says "it wasn't really about fun tonight".

Okay now I'm really wondering what's going on so I ask her to explain.

As it turns out she's been thinking a lot about guns and the surrounding issues and decided, as she put it, that it was "a lot like knowing how to change a tire or the oil in the car." To wit, she doesn't actually enjoy the task and she doesn't think she'll ever enjoy it, but has decided that to stay ignorant about it would be extreme folly."

Then she says "the .22 pistol was okay but I think I want to learn to shoot that" and points to my Rossi 92 SRC (my .357 Magnum cowboy rifle). She then recites a ton of the stuff my friend and I have discussed about the enormous flexibility of a .357 based carbine. Yes folks, it may not have seemed that way but she'd been listening carefully the whole time.

Seriously, I was astounded at her choice because if I had to select just one of my guns for her to learn, that would be it.

So I'm not really sure if I have a specific point right now or if I'm just rambling but I gotta say that tonight sure was a dramatic shift in the dynamic of our household and I am so very proud of my wife for her decisions.
Congrats. Always nice to take a female to the range. My last girlfriend was neutral also but after taking her once, she loved it. She even started asking me "When are we going shooting again?" haha. Sometimes she would want to go when I didn't. Anyway, good job and realize that if she starts to like it...your guns will soon become "her guns".
As it turns out she's been thinking a lot about guns and the surrounding issues and decided, as she put it, that it was "a lot like knowing how to change a tire or the oil in the car." To wit, she doesn't actually enjoy the task and she doesn't think she'll ever enjoy it, but has decided that to stay ignorant about it would be extreme folly."

Ok, she's on my team!

Thats great, man! My fiancee is also gun-neutral, and has yet to go to the range with me...granted, we just had a baby and there's not really anytime to go to the range.

I showed my gal the Penn & Teller episode about gun control, and she liked it, but said she wished it had said more about educating people about gun safety.

Sometimes, the women, they do surprise.
Hey great...but be carefull, she may not be telling you everything,When some women say they want something ..its useually for a reasonthat has some hidden reason ...I can only hope that somone new around the area hasent made a rude remark .or one of her girl friends hasent had a bad expierance,and told her some nasty details .Women have a way of keeping secrets that men dont.............
You have been behaving yourself lately, right? So there's not much chance she's plotting a violent death for you or anything?


I was the same way at first..I learned to shoot because I thought I should, not because I enjoyed it.

What I learned eventually is that I didn't care much for shooting handguns..but I enjoy shooting long guns..and I love hunting.
LOL welcome to my world :evil: , soon you'll be instituting the 2 for 1 rule (For every 2 guns you buy yourself , you have to buy her one) . Nice having a wife that quietly listens ain't it ?!;)
Hey great...but be carefull, she may not be telling you everything,When some women say they want something ..its useually for a reasonthat has some hidden reason ...I can only hope that somone new around the area hasent made a rude remark .or one of her girl friends hasent had a bad expierance,and told her some nasty details .Women have a way of keeping secrets that men dont.............

Actually I do know at least a little bit about what's on her mind. In July we're moving to a much more rural area and along with all the discussions about what we're going to like about moving, we've also had a few discussions regarding how how life will be a little different because the services (Police, hospital, grocery stores, 7-11, etc) won't be "just across the street".

For some reason she's gotten on a kick about wild/stray dogs, possum, raccoons... that sort of thing. She's decided that her plan "A" is to leave 'em alone, plan "B" is to have me deal with 'em, but she apparently wants a plan "C" in case of emergency.
ZeSpectre ~

Congrats on getting your wife to the range, and congrats to her for deciding to cowboy up and learn this stuff even though she's not having fun (yet).

Come to think of it, I could probably name four or five women off the top of my head who've had similar journeys into gun use & ownership. Usually it's something a bit more traumatic, however -- a stalker, or a mugging, or a rape -- that gets reluctant shooters into it. I just remember being a little surprised the first time I encountered a woman who said, "Well, for me, it was never about fun. I still don't like it much, but I'm here because ..." -- this from a woman who'd taken several classes and participated in matches on a regular basis. Another one told me that for her, practice was, "... kinda like doing the laundry. It's not a lot of fun, but it needs to be done so here I am."

Be sure to let her know that it is absolutely okay that she doesn't like shooting, if that's where she's at. Sometimes it just helps a little to give yourself permission to be reluctant. And the odds are, it'll grow on her as time goes on, as long as you're patient and she's stubborn.

Good job...always nice to bring another one into the fold.

You may want to have her try some different calibers - not sure if the NRAHQ rents guns but I'd get her to try one of the S&W model 60's or 642's (or similiar small frame revolver).

My wife dislikes guns in general but tolerates them - and every blue moon she'll want to go to the range with me. Of all my firearms, she loves to shoot my S&W AR - in both .223 and .22...go figure.

She shocked me when she asked that I get her a gun for her bedside table - wound up with a S&W 3" model 60 and I have it loaded with .38's for her (she tried the .357 but did not enjoy the recoil).

Remember to take baby steps - especially if you're the one teaching her. Women in general don't take real well to having their husband, boyfriend, significant other teaching them.

See if she'd be willing to take a basic pistol course (without you there) - I've seen many women really start to enjoy shooting when the husband isn't there hovering and telling them what to do. Some ranges have female instructors and if you can find one I bet you'll see a really big jump in interest after she takes a basic class.

You may also want to consider getting her a laser - I'm an NRA instructor and tried explaining sight picture to my wife both verbally, with hand gestures, and by drawing the sights on a piece of paper. She just didn't get it. However, when we put a Crimson Trace laser on her model 60 she started to understand her sights and now she knows that when she puts the little red dot on something that's where she'll hit. Great confidence booster for her.
Ok... one problem... IF your wife and my GF are at all alike... it might take a while... BUT...

My "gun neutural" GF has stolen about 6 running feet of gunrack in my vault, AND filled it with "her guns" that have left conspicuous holes elsewhere in my vault... as in, not all my gun sare mine anymore...

biggest surprise so far? a buddy and his wife were over here shooting a while ago, and using the big rifles... I wasn't home, but SWMBO was... the next AM, I found my Winchester Mod. 70 classic in 7MM Remington Magnum, all freshly cleaned, oiled, and in HER section of the gunrack...

Nine years of marriage has taught me that you are on the cusp of "as long as she thinks it's her idea", slide into having a gunnie wife. :)
I thought for many years my wife of 27 years was neither hot nor cold. I've always had guns in the house and she even found a P38 for me to buy 20 years ago.. But about two years ago while we were at the local gun shop she asked the clerk to see a gun. I'm just standing there listening to her ask some very good questions which didn't surprise me so much as she is well versed. But what did surprise me was that while I went off to look at some long guns she went ahead and bought the gun... The next day she requested that I sign her up for the CCW class and there has been a smile on her face ever since..

She is now quite proficient with her Ruger 357 SP101, loves the 38 round for plinking, but when she fires the colt 45 the smile is unreal...

You just never know what's going on in a womans mind..

On a personal note It's great to have my wife and friend by my side at the range, and I feel so much better that she now has a means to defend herself if the SHTF.

You write very well, similar to a novel. Most people's stories just ramble

It's good she wanted to learn 'changing a tire' type of deal. If anyone tried to break into the house when you're not there, at least she knows how to work one.
the next AM, I found my Winchester Mod. 70 classic in 7MM Remington Magnum, all freshly cleaned, oiled, and in HER section of the gunrack...

Sounds like you need to buy another gun.

Hey, at least she's taking care of it! ;)


What I TOLD her many moons ago was that she could play with ANY of them she liked, any time, and all I expect is that SHE cleans them when she's done...

AND I told her that if she found a type, make, or style of gun she wanted for herself, we'd go get her one...

I NEVER told her to start shopping in MY collection... (but as long as they are staying in my vault, she is welcome to TRY to claim them...) that said, she HAS got a few that she or I bought JUST for her...
I've found that many good CCW guns are bad news for exposing a new shooter to the joys of shooting. Ones that have worked well for me when teaching women to shoot:

Glock 19
Kahr 9mm's, but not the MK models
Heavy frame .38's or .357's loaded with .38 Special

Basically, the weapon should have a fairly light trigger pull and a good weight to recoil ratio.
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Liked the story. Glad the wife's on board. We live in rural BC now but it wasn't until we visited a friend in Euless, TX that she became hooked. This was some time ago mind you and I find out just this past Xmas that she'd been listening and remembering too; wondering when we could go shooting again! She just never asked until I just started IPSC shooting 5 months ago.

The morning of our first day in Euless, we jump into our car and head for my friend's office/store. When we get there, we go to the gunsafe and he says, which ones should we shoot today? I was like a kid in a candy store and my wife had no idea - I mean not a clue. "Well this looks neat (AK-47), and I bet that one is pretty noisy (S&W .357mag short barrel), and so on till we had about 7 or 8 firearms selected. We took about 200 rounds each for each gun and we headed out to his property.

The property had a pond on it and a small shipping container that held a tractor and feed for the couple horses he kept. He walked us both through some basic safety requirements of course and half and hour later we were ready to go. We walked up to the pond and placed targets on one side and of course shot from the other. Well, I have never seen my wife smile as much as she did while she had this AK in her hands. Perma grin for the day.

She shot, a .44mag revolver, the AK, a Walther 9mm, SA1911, the .357mag, .410 shotgun and a .308 Savage. We spent the entire day at the property and all I could hear was how great it would be to do this again. At the end of the day, we had to clean what we fired and I think she learned that with the priviledge of firing a gun came some responsibilities; not only the gun cleaning but also how to handle a firearm.

The reason I got involved again was because we had always had a pact that we wouldn't have firearms around while the kids were little and it just stayed that way until they moved out of the house to go to school.

Well, I was coming back from a shoot in January and she asks me if I would bring her along to the next one. How could I say no. In February we had a fun shoot and she came along. She watched, listened and learned. Then she asks one of the Match Directors what she needed to do in order to come and shoot at a match herself. Of course he tells her about the Black Badge course. Well, she signs up right there and now we have a qualifier for her to go to on the Easter weekend. Wow! She loves to shoot and the social aspect of the event was just a bonus. New friends and a renewed sharing of something we both enjoy. Who knew?

Maybe I should've listened a little better and we could have been enjoying this a little sooner in life.:p

I thought an update on this situation might be in order. From October 06 to now the wife has gone to the range a few times (always when she asks, never me pushing).

We've learned that no matter what it's coming out of she just can't get a handle on .40 S&W, but bizzarely enough she can handle full bore .357 Magnum rounds out of my 6" Ruger Security Six AND hit a decent group at 7-12 ft! (Now before anyone jumps on me, we started small and worked our way up and if she's fired it that's because SHE pointed to it and said "let me try that one".)

Anyway she's settled on my Rossi 92 SRC carbine (chambered in .357 Magnum), My Ruger "security six", and also says the SIG 229 (9mm) "suits" her. She's started out slow but steady and is actually showing quite a bit of ability and potential. She attributes it to having done a lot of yoga (breath control and all that).

Her recent "astonishing" achievement was putting 5 shots from the Ruger into a 4" group at 10 feet WHILE someone was banging away in the next lane with an AR-14. Talk about good concentration :)

She's still not fond of guns, still doesn't really think it's a lot of fun, but she's definitely sticking to the committment she made to herself and I'm really proud of her!
I hear you brother, that's great.

When I first met my girlfriend she was a gun-hating Democrat. After taking her to the range a few times, it turns out she's not a gun hater anymore, primarily because she's not scared of firearms like she use to be. She is still a Democrat though, but I'm working on that. ;)
I really appreciate your sharing and update.

Re: .40 cal.
Your experience mirrors mine over a lot of years. Ladies just hate the sharp recoil, and the guns are "pretty darn ugly too".

Re: .357
Ladies like these. Lots of Used Police Trade-In Six series Rugers, and Model 19/66.
"Like a cast iron skillet, these have a proven history, versatile, like baking, frying or cooking outdoors...".
The guns have character and soul and the biggest deal, is they fit hands better for most folks

Oh dear! Let a lady find out they make all sorts of wooden stocks, and this is worse than shoes...

Re: Lever Actions.
Lots and lots of ladies like .357, .44 mag and 30-30.
This carbine just works, not depended on mags, easy to tote, and again works for in the home, out on the property use.

Re: 22 rim-fire.
Ladies I have assisted with, and hang with, really like and appreciate the quality practice and fun factor.
There is just something about a Mom & Daughter being overheard by dad/hubby wringing out "his former .22 pistols" : Wow! most fun one can have with their clothes on".

Poor guy, only male in the house, even the dog is female, and he is always outvoted. :(
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