Ranger model 30/Stevens 520A 16 gauge shotgun

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Jul 3, 2009
C(r)ook County, Illinois
My grandfather bought this gun for my uncle in probably the early 70's. It has now been passed on to me and I can't find a date of production for it. Its a Ranger Arms model 30X but is actually a Stevens 520A. One of those store-brand name guns.

Looking for a date of manufacture or any dates related to the gun. The S/N is U7991x and is a 16ga pump shotgun with about a 27'' barrel. It is in overall good condition, but is used and shows wear. Not really concerned about value, its only worth about $100 in Blue Book.

Appearance is very similar to a Browning Auto-5, but it's a pump. If a picture could help anyone out let me know.

Again looking for date of Manufacture for a Ranger 30x/Stevens 520A with S/N: U7991x

Sears used the Ranger name before WWII. After 1946 the name J C Higgins was in use. http://www.shotgunworld.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=203534&hilit=j+stevens
the link above has some good information on the 520.
Also you could write to John Callahan, 53 Old Quarry Rd.,
Westfield, MA 01085. He will provide information but charges $15.

If your gun has the double receiver hump it is pre- 1920.
Single hump post 20's shotgun. Production ended in 1932.
Awesome! Thanks alot!

Could you describe the difference between a double hump and single reciever hump? I've never heard head those terms before. I can also provide a picture later today of the reciever, if that would help.
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