Rant regarding the Tennesseean newspaper

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Mar 30, 2003
Murfreesboro, TN
While reading this morning's edition of the Tennessean newspaper, I came across something that just really burns me up. On the front page of the Classified section, there is a short article entitled "Garage Sale Theft" with a small picture of a man holding a revolver in his hand. Seeing the picture piqued my interest, so I read the article. I was expecting to read about a garage sale bein g robbed at gunpoint, or maybe a theft of a firearm from a garage sale. Instead, what I read was a story about the authors money being taken from an unattended cash box inside her home during a garage sale. The author was busy filming her child playing in the road, and her husband was showing a sofa to a customer. In the meantime, a woman walks in the house and takes about $400 from a cash box. The author then recounts how the cops tell her it happens all to frequently, and there's not much they can do about it.

Nowhere in the story does the author mention a weapon. The picture was just there to relate guns to theft. It served no meaningful purpose. It's media BS like this that really irk me, and cause me to refuse to subscribe to the rag. I'll just read their BS for free at work.

:cuss: :fire:
Maybe you should write the editor to inform him what message is being sent and that you do not (we all do not) appreciate it.

Saw the same article and was most perplexed.

Particularly since it was written by a ninny who had strangers in her yard while her unattended house was unlocked.

I guess that, for the anti-gun Tennessean, any crime = guns, guns, and more guns.

We stopped taking it weekly, but still get the weekend editions. My wife won't give up her coupons.
It's been my experience that people will not only buy used underwear at a garage sale, they'll steal it if you're not looking.
Make sure you tell them you do NOT like them making up stories. Their job is to REPORT news not make things up.
As to garage sales. I am normally asked to come up for my sisters to prevent such problems. Love the folks who have 5+ kids and want to have them go into house to try on a $ .25 dress. Sis used to wonder where stuff went after a sale.
"Their job is to REPORT news not make things up."

hahahahahahahahah! Where do you live? I live in America, where the news reports what the news wants people to believe. :evil:
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