Re-thinking tactics with age.

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Sorry about that, Gordon. If you're already facing a firearm, fractions of seconds count. :(
humans are much like... bears. no, we don't siff through garbage and make grunty noises and catch fish out of a stream with our "bear hands" (haha). but humans (meaning the bad guys) will go for the easiest prey. the older gentelman, the petite lady, and many others. when that "prey" is armed, be it a gun or a knife or a cane, people tend to think twice. and that second thought usually persuades them to bug off and find some other prey (horrifying, i know). just read my signature.
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"And last but not least --- DO NOT pull/show a weapon unless you are REALLY REALLY ready to use itl "

I am 6'3" tall and weigh 260 pounds and work out three times a week to keep in as good a shape as possible. Let me add that I just turned 73 and even in good shape I am not about to square off with some punk who is 25 years old. The odds that I will not get my butt seriously kicked are small indeed. At my age I am not going to get into a physical battle with someone where my defense is a stick or a knife - even if I have some training and knowledge as to how to use it. Time and Mother Nature have stacked the odds against me. That is why I carry a gun and stay proficient with it. I urge all "senior citizens" to do whatever it takes to not be anybody's victim - ever.
When I was 18 or so, a friend's father laid eyes on me for the first time. He asked my friend's mother who I was. She told him, and asked why. He said I looked "hardened".

I found humor in that, but I also knew what he meant.

I've always remembered that through life; as I've traveled and kicked around the world.

A no nosense, give no quarter, will not be intimidated attitude can carry the day as people who would prey on you size you up. I realize that age catches all of us. But giving someone reason to think twice about what they may be thinking, may be all it takes, before the weapons start coming out.
Having been stabbed seriously in an altercation, I can tell you that sometimes you don't even realize you've been stabbed.... In all the hype of what went down I had no idea I'd been stabbed until my friends were rushing me to the hospital.... that was long AFTER I had completed the mission of kicking the ass of the guy who had broken a bottle over my head (his friend having had stabbed me in the process)... If I had seen a knife come out before, I would probably have given up my mission and moved on FAST, bleeding profusely from a head wound caused by the broken bottle....

So yeah Carl, a knife not being seen might not be effective even after being employed (it wasn't in my case and I was stuck pretty good.... didn't even make me twitch, much less subdue me)... I think you have less to loose by showing it than most might assume,..... unless, of course, you come up against someone who is trained in hand to hand combat... but the odds of that are much slimmer than the odds of the knife being brandished stopping the altercation (I've seen the production of a knife stop a lot of problems without ever being used)....
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if someone has scouted / followed / and targeted you for a mugging
or an assault, then all you can do is be prepared (alert) and hopefully
have the means available (knife or gun or hands or feet) to survive.

The other 99% of the time you may tick someone off knowingly or
unknowlingly or some creep may have sized you up in the parking
lot and is thinking easy money (wallet/purse/car keys / etc).

I probably look like an easy victim. late 30s, short, stocky, and I'm
about as laid back as koala bear. Usually dressed in shirt/tie.

But in the few situations where <some bad guys> have decided to either
pounce or confront me, they find out the easy victim appearance was

Make eye contact and do what needs to be done. Most (not all) but
most agressors want little of being stabbed or slashed or hit with a tire iron or getting shot.

My brother is 62 and disabled and two punks at a fast food place last month
confronted him about getting his food and his wallet. One of them had
his hand tucked in his pocket. My brother dropped the bag of food and pulled
the magnum and they came to their senses.
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I use bodyguard LE10 cone pattern OC spray as my first (non lethal ) defense, and a small sharp folder as a backup. This spray is what the LE folks around here use, and they say it hurts very bad, after being sprayed in training. One LEO told me the that the LE10 spray hurt him worse than being tased. I had one criminal turn his head away from me, and cover his face with both hands as he ran right past me, and this guy was big enough to hurt me bad if i had not pointed the OC at his face as he charged me. Kimber has an OC gun called the jet protector, the demo on youtube looks to be devastating ! This thing is not concealable, and not legal everwhere. Im too old and out of shape to fight these street thugs.
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