Re-training of firearms related information

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I haven't read the details of the Green New Deal, nor do I intend to waste my time doing so, since it isn't going anywhere. In general, though, addressing climate change while at the same time rebuilding outdated infrastructure is a good idea. Linking this to gun control is simply silly. From the point of view of the RKBA, it's not persuasive to use far-out arguments like this. People will dismiss you as a kook.

Politicians have tried to impose many ... "programs" that could never work, because they thought they would work and even be a good thing. Other times they were ruthless tyrants who would starve thousands of Ukrainians for "pragmatic" reasons, or other means often excused by "the greater good."
The new green deal is one of those things that might sound good to brainless banshees like AOC, but which are completely impossible and impractical to implement and, while it would utterly fail, would also cause great misery and economic strife in the attempt.
You claim ignorance of what it entails. I suggest you find out.
Politicians love ignorant masses, their "sound good" agendas go over much easier when the victims are unarmed --- that is, INTELLECTUALLY as well as lacking guns.
Politicians have tried to impose many ... "programs" that could never work, because they thought they would work and even be a good thing. Other times they were ruthless tyrants who would starve thousands of Ukrainians for "pragmatic" reasons, or other means often excused by "the greater good."
The new green deal is one of those things that might sound good to brainless banshees like AOC, but which are completely impossible and impractical to implement and, while it would utterly fail, would also cause great misery and economic strife in the attempt.
You claim ignorance of what it entails. I suggest you find out.
Politicians love ignorant masses, their "sound good" agendas go over much easier when the victims are unarmed --- that is, INTELLECTUALLY as well as lacking guns.
And most importantly, it would require unimaginable levels of governmental violence to impose and sustain. It CAN'T be imposed on an armed population.
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris ... told reporters ... that she is a gun owner.

"I own a gun for probably the reason that a lot of people do: for personal safety."

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Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris ... told reporters ... that she is a gun owner.

"I own a gun for probably the reason that a lot of people do: for personal safety." .......

I still wouldn't trust her. She may be the "guns for me but not for thee" type, or want to ban semiautos.
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I do believe tide is turning on our war with the anti-gun crowd (pro-2A POTUS, pro-2A federal judges being confirmed to district/circuit courts, pro-2A justices confirmed to the SCOTUS, etc. and all the gun owners need to come together and push back by voting out anti-2A law makers and voting in pro-2A law makers so they can write and pass new pro-2A laws.

“... WE SHALL FIGHT on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air ... we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender" - Winston Churchill

Yes, anti-gun/anti-2A laws CAN BE REVERSED and new pro-gun/pro-2A laws can be written and passed.

(2/8/19) Congressman Chris Collins Re-Introduces Legislation Overturning SAFE Act -

"WASHINGTON, DC – By reintroducing the Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA), Congressman Collins continues his effort to protect the Second Amendment rights of all New Yorkers by limiting a state's authority when it comes to regulating rifles and shotguns. The Collins’ bill would prevent states from implementing any regulations on weapons that are more restrictive than what is required by federal law. Passage of this bill would void most of the language included in New York’s Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act of 2013 signed into law by Governor Cuomo.

'Governor Cuomo unjustly took away the Second Amendment rights from law abiding New Yorkers with his so-called SAFE Act ... I have and always will be a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and my legislation will guarantee that New Yorkers have the rights guaranteed to them in the Constitution.'

The Cuomo SAFE Act violates federal regulations because it imposed rifle and shotgun bans that possess certain features. It also banned the capacity of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, and limiting magazines to 7 rounds at any time.

Any current or future laws enacted by a state that exceeds federal law for rifles and shotguns would be voided under the Collins' legislation. Should a state violate this law and a plaintiff goes to court, the court will award the prevailing plaintiff a reasonable attorney’s fee in addition to any other damages."

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Kamala Harris may or may not own a gun. That part is irrelevant. The fact that she says she owns a gun is the important part. It means that, politically, she's concerned about placating gun owners, or at least not alienating them completely. Of course we all know that these are empty words. Eventually, we can expect her to post a video of her shooting targets. (That would come during the general election phase, if she gets that far.)

The key question to ask her is if she would ban "assault weapons," and, if so, if she would exempt existing ones. Let's see if she differentiates herself from Swalwell.

ETA: It just occurred to me that Swalwell's candidacy may be a stalking horse for the other Democratic candidates, so they can point to him and say that they are not so extreme on guns. Kamala Harris appears to be doing exactly that, without mentioning Swalwell by name. He has absolutely no chance of winning the nomination, but there may be deeper machinations at work.
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The fact that she says she owns a gun is the important part.

Action speaks louder than words ... and she just factually spoke to her base that her actions are different than her words and confirmed to people around the world that guns are needed for personal protection.

NRA could not have said it any better. :eek:
I do believe tide is turning on our war with the anti-gun crowd


"Last night the City of Simi Valley met to consider requested support from the County to oppose gun shows at Ventura Fairgrounds. They voted NO, that they would not support the banning of gun shows. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Our pro-2A people showed up and out numbered the antis big time. This was a combined effort of NRA, CRPA, and the local conservative group in getting people there and speaking on the issues. A letter that we wrote for NRA / CRPA was handed out as people came into the meeting.

We expect the same antis will be at the Ventura Fair Board meeting on the 28th and that this will be an agenda items, but we are waiting on the agenda to come out.

Here is the meeting video- It starts around 3:20 on the video.…

Great job!"

As Winston Churchill spoke, and as many gun owners across the nation have wondered, us Californians are no longer sitting down. We are standing up and fighting back one city/county at a time! And us gun owners will never surrender!
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(4/9/19) FAIRFAX, Va.– With assistance from the NRA, Pittsburgh residents filed a lawsuit today challenging the city’s ban on publicly carrying loaded magazines that accept more than 10 rounds of ammunition -

"Pittsburgh’s recently enacted ordinance misleadingly describes these magazines as 'large capacity' even though they come standard with many of the nation’s most popular firearms and are commonly used in handguns carried for self-defense.

'Pittsburgh residents have a right to carry the self-defense tool that best suits their needs and the NRA is proud to support this challenge to the city’s magazine ban,' said Chris W. Cox, executive director, National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action. 'Restricting law-abiding citizens from exercising their constitutional rights will do nothing to stop violent criminals.'

'Pennsylvania law is very clear that the power to regulate firearms is the exclusive province of the General Assembly, not local governments,' said David Thompson, an attorney for the plaintiffs. 'Pennsylvania courts have repeatedly struck down Pittsburgh ordinances that attempted to regulate firearms in defiance of state law, and we are confident that this latest ordinance will meet the same fate.'

The case is Anderson v. City of Pittsburgh and was filed earlier today in the Allegheny Court of Common Pleas."
This is probably the best thread Ive seen in a long time. I am an NRA member but nearly embarrased to admit it... their rhetoric is extremely polarizing.

Look at birth control. In decades past it was extremely divisive... but then people figured out its not ideal to be barefoot and pregnant at 16 in a modern world.

I think with a more accepting image we will gain more support. Instead of guns=old white guys.

Trump is the one that pushed through a bump fire ban using the same beauracracy that attempted a m855 ban. And he also said “take the guns, due process second”

Kamala Harris may or may not own a gun. That part is irrelevant. The fact that she says she owns a gun is the important part.

She's telling you that she and her life are actually IMPORTANT, unlike YOU and YOURS.

Hence, SHE'S justified in owning a gun whereas YOU wouldn't be, since YOU and YOUR life are utterly worthless.

See also Diane Feinstein and Carl Rowan.

Repeat after me: "We don't have to protect you and we won't let you protect yourself (from our constituents).
This is probably the best thread Ive seen in a long time. I am an NRA member but nearly embarrased to admit it... their rhetoric is extremely polarizing.
Advocating racially invidious gun controls and threatening gun owners with nuclear weapons is pretty "polarizing" too.

I hear that Frederick Douglass was pretty "polarizing" regarding slavery...
HB, this is 2019 headed towards 2020 election and we are not in peacetime with the anti-gun crowd.

We are at war. And do not be mistaken.

And like what happened on D-Day, all gun owners must come together with other gun owner allies and set aside our differences so we can focus on the primary objective which is winning the war against the anti-gun crowd who are working towards gun-ban/gun confiscation!

Anti-gun crowd have lied, misinformed, divided and distracted gun owners for decades so they could work towards their agenda towards gun ban.

Well, I say enough is enough and we start pushing back. And yes, just as they have been successful in disseminating anti-gun information, we could do the same and disseminate pro-gun/pro-2A information to better educate ourselves and others.

As gun owners wake up and smell the coffee, they will find gun owner allies from other walks of life. During the past several decades, I have seen anti-gun people convert to pro-gun people. And in recent years (Especially during the Obama years panic gun buying), I have met increasing number of new gun owners who never bought guns before and now are supporters of 2A.

Believe it or not, the younger generations of Millennial and Generation Z, the future voters who will run our country, are increasingly becoming better informed and fact checking everything down to self defense/self protection and reality of police response. When I talk to younger progressives, while they initially opposed guns growing up, as they become adults and experience/hear realities of crime (burglary, robbery, physical attack, rape, murder) and victimization, they become practical about gun ownership.

This is 2019 headed straight into 2020 and future of our and our children/grandchildren's 2A future is dependent on who gets elected. This is the time to take sides. You are either for 2A or you are against 2A.

If we are successful, we may enjoy decades, if not centuries, of pro-2A rulings and legislations based on those court rulings.
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and in that time (actually in the last 10-15 years), I've seen it change, becoming overtly partisan.

We could replace "NRA" in your statement with "DC politics" and it would be just as valid.
The chicken-egg-chicken argument of whether DC polarizing to be extremely partizan make lobbyist equally partiza, or whether lobbyist fueled political partizan ship is pointless here, and outside of the OP.

The question, to my thinking, is split. One, how do we communicate with the 50% of the population outside the major media markets (e.g. the other 2500-2700 counties in the US). The other is how to make inroads into that 50% compressed into 30± counties they reside within. That latter must needs punch through an unrelenting pounding surf of mainstream legacy media-which, even divorced of political partizan identity, is, in fact, solidly anti-gun. (The reasons and machinations that make so much media that way, not being THR fodder.)

As OP noted we need to be able to communicate, across media, in all the markets, to sway the fence-sitters and undecideds.
Nice overview of judge Benitez's 86 page ruling and judgement against CA magazine ban -

"I have transcribed my choice of the jewels of this masterfully reasoned and written order. The selections are my own; others may disagree. They are in order, as found in the court document. I list the pages as an aid to others. Many will recognize the cogent arguments put forward by the Honorable Roger T. Benitez. They have been made by Second Amendment supporters for decades."
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Growing headache for anti-gun law makers -

"AG Becerra’s problem: Millions of high-capacity gun magazines have NOT caused massacres ...

... His argument is that these are the cause of terrorist attacks and gun massacres. So, in a one week period, when sales were legal, MILLIONS of these magazines were sold in California. Yet, nary a massacre or terrorist attack

... How will [CA Attorney General] explain to the court that millions of high capacity magazines did not cause any problems? Will he admit this is a publicity stunt, rather than a serious attempt at public safety? Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein carry guns to protect themselves - but do not want you to have the same rights. Our Attorney General LIES to the Court about high capacity magazines, and he endangers us all by a political stance. It is time to elect honest people to office."
If you think we are not at war with anti-gun crowd, do not be mistaken.

Now they are going after everything gun-related: Gun shows, ranges, gun stores/FFLs, in addition to existing attack on carry permits, magazines, ammunition, etc.

"Forget Just Going After Firearms, Anti-Gunners Don’t Even Want Ranges

The prospect of practicing at the range once seemed like a given. Law-abiding gun owners, who acknowledge that marksmanship is a perishable skill, often fill the lanes regularly so they can hone their accuracy.

But the pressure against private ownership of firearms is so intense these days that shooting ranges are being squeezed to the point that some states are devising laws to protect them while other jurisdictions find themselves having to defend decisions to allow shooting ranges.

Maine recently stepped up to protect established ranges from such outside pressure that has been accompanying developmental encroachment. The legislation has its roots in being a response to a disturbing trend."

Anti-gun law makers will never stop writing anti-gun/anti-2A bills. We are at war with anti-gun crowd and why we must keep voting out anti-gun law makers and voting in pro-gun law makers. Elections have consequences.
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My local gun club range is built in a flood zone where it is illegal to build a home unless it is on a tall berm.
In spite of this, the city built an elementary school slab-on-grade a few hundred yards down the road.
Are they hoping for an "accident" so that they can close down the range?
Boycott by gun owners seems to be working but "promised" support from anti-gunners ... not so well -

"Dick’s Sporting Goods' transformation ... to a groveling symbol of modern corporate virtue ... new evidence emerged of just how much that crusade has cost the retailer ... Dick’s becoming synonymous with Benedict Arnold in the minds of well-informed Second Amendment supporters. Shoppers and major suppliers in the pro-gun community stopped doing business with Dick’s."

Hi-Point, Mossberg Cut Ties with Dick’s Sporting Goods -

"Now Bloomberg’s own media outlet,, is reporting that Dick’s itself estimates the price of its anti-gun advocacy at $150 million in lost sales in 2018, or almost 2% of the company’s annual revenue.

And while anti-gunners insisted they would reward Dick’s with increases in their own business ... their actions revealed the opposite.

So it seems, unsurprisingly, that being boastfully anti-gun is a dumb idea for a gun store, as is counting on the professed loyalty and support of anti-gunners."

Are you frustrated with the anti-gun crowd and want to "DO SOMETHING"? Well, boycott these companies:

List of anti-gun companies -

List of companies that announced anti-2A position -

Companies that recently cut ties with NRA -

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: BUT, 3,100 businesses stand with NRA -
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(4/1/19) Judge dismisses Brady group suit against Cabela's -

"A national gun control group was handed a defeat by a Delaware court in a lawsuit over a gun sold to a straw buyer that was later used in a crime -

New Castle County Superior Court Judge Vivian L. Medinilla agreed with big box retailer Cabela’s that the lawsuit, brought by the Brady Campaign last year over the sale of a pistol that was later traded by a felon and used in a shooting that killed an area woman, and dismissed the case.

... Medinilla pointed out that the federal National Instant Criminal Background Check System greenlit the transfer and ... 'Cabela’s performed a NICS background check, received a ‘proceed’ response, and otherwise complied with the relevant statutory provisions'"
(3/31/19) More than half of Colorado’s 64 counties declared themselves Second Amendment “sanctuary” counties in protest of a gun-control bill making its way through legislature -

"WELD COUNTY, Colo. – Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams disagrees so strongly with a gun bill making its way through the Colorado legislature that he’s willing to go to jail rather than enforce it.

Colorado’s 'extreme risk protection order' bill would allow a family member, a roommate, or law enforcement to petition a judge to take someone’s firearms if they are deemed to be a danger to themselves or others.

But more than half of Colorado’s 64 counties officially oppose the bill. Many have even declared themselves Second Amendment 'sanctuary' counties in protest."
The anti-gun crowd has been stacking anti-gun bill after anti-gun bill.

Well, so can the pro-gun law makers.

(3/15/19) New Missouri bill would implement "shall own" at least one AR-15 for those aged 18-34

"House Bill No. 1108, sponsored by Rep. Andrew McDaniel, R-Deering, stated that '[e]very resident of this state shall own at least one AR-15.'

The bill would establish the 'McDaniel Militia Act,' which would require those aged 18-34 not legally prohibited to possess a firearm to own a semi-automatic rifle that is modeled on the AR-15 design by ArmaLite, Inc.

'Any person who qualifies as a resident on August 28, 2019, and who does not own an AR-15 shall have one year to purchase an AR-15. Any resident qualifies as a resident after August 28, 2019, and does not own an AR-15 shall purchase an AR-15 no later than one year after qualifying as a resident.'"
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