Really need to rant on Brady Campaign...

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Feb 24, 2003
Holy crap... I've never really sat down and read the Brady Campaign site before. I'd skimmed through it and such, but just now really took the time to digest it all. There are some real gems here...

"Assault weapons are designed to be spray-fired from the hip..."

Quick! Somebody call the military! All this time they've been firing their assault weapons from the shoulder! Thanks Brady Campaign, you helped US troops become more effective. *phew* Guess Rambo could teach those ‘trained soldiers' a thing or two about using a weapon as it was designed.

"However, because they were designed for military purposes, assault weapons are equipped with combat hardware, such as silencers..."

Here I thought silencers weren't legal for Joe Blow to buy. I guess I can go pick up a nice Gemtech now. Thanks Brady Campaign!

"A pistol grip on a rifle or shotgun, which facilitates firing from the hip, allowing the shooter to spray-fire the weapon..."

Wow, good thing nobody can fire from the hip with a "standard" rifle or shotgun.

"A threaded barrel designed to accommodate a silencer, which is useful to assassins..."

Hopefully, this will curb the massive problem America has with assassins running loose. Damn ninjas are everywhere!

"Playing word games, the NRA/gun lobby often claims that semi-automatic assault weapons don't exist because the term "assault weapons" only means fully automatic weapons..."

Those rat bastards, using the correct definition instead of the newly invented one for popular consumption. Damn them for their proper word usage! DAMN THEM!

"As one leading law enforcement executive put it, the weapons banned by the 1994 law are nothing more than ‘cop-killer guns.'"

Dang... thanks for letting me know, Brady Campaign! Next time I see somebody at the range with an AR-15, I'll be sure to let them know that their weapon is completely unsuitable for target shooting or self-defense, as their firearm is nothing more than a cop-killer. I'm sure they'll thank me for enlightening them about their dirty, naughty rifles.

"Once a bullet leaves a gun, who is to say that it will stop only a criminal and not a family member?"

Don't you guys hate it when you carefully aim at an identified target, squeeze the trigger, and the damn bullet loops around in mid-air and hits something else? I know I sure do. I guess we should expect that of firearms we can't even trust not to randomly go off and kill yet another baby.

"In the 20th century, the Second Amendment has become an anachronism..." "The NRA tends to omit the first, crucial, half of the Second Amendment - the words referring to a ‘well-regulated militia.'"

And YOU tend to omit "the right of THE PEOPLE". I suppose when our forefathers said "We the People", they meant "We, the well-regulated militia". So we'll just go ahead and correct this typo in the Constitution, and change Clause 1 of Section 1 to "The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the well-regulated militia". Clearly, with this correction in place, our forefathers meant only for the US military and National Guard to be able to vote. The Brady Campaign enlightens yet again!

I'm sorry for all this, but I just needed a place to vent about the sheer idiocy of this crap. *gasp, pant* Rant off. For now. ;)
Agree totally... except:

Here I thought silencers weren't legal for Joe Blow to buy. I guess I can go pick up a nice Gemtech now.

Silencers come under Class III weapons and if your state allows it you can have one. Same thing as getting a full-auto (Class III FFL, ATF paperwork, background check, $200 tax and CLEO signoff)
Oh, I know, Airwolf. :) I included 'Joe Blow' to hopefully differentiate between average, non-Class III owners and people who go the extra step (or 10) to get a Class III. Brady Campaign seems to focus on average gun owners rather than Class III's... for now. Thanks for pointing it out though!
If not for lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, and plain old-fashioned fraud, leftists would have nothing to say.

Leftism thrives on irrational fear, envy, racial hatred, and more fear. The so-called "gun control" advocates believe their hoplophobia trumps the nation's civil rights.
I've spent a lot of time in and around the military (not in Spec Ops groups, though) and all the M-14's and M-16's I heard went BANG BANG BANG, not PFFFT PFFFT PFFFT. I've never seen a silencer on a true fully-automatic assault rifle . . . unless you count the silenced MP-5 I saw in SWAT magazine one time.

Anyway, I gots to get me one of them loop around and hit five or six people bullets.
I must say that it is interesting to see that the brady bunch still subscribe to the Daffy Duck school of ballistics; or was that Wiley Coyote?
It must be a ZF-1 using the "replay" function.

Sarah *cough, cough* Brady is a Republican.
Well, I know that the Brady's USED to be Republicans - Mr. Brady was Reagan's press secretary, after all - but I would bet that they're registered Dems now. I think I remember her addressing the Democratic convention in '96 or '00.
Nope. The Bradys--both of them--are Republicans, and Ronald Reagan spoke in support of the Brady Bill.

I'm not what you'd call a Republican-hater, but I'm not going to let them get away with pretending.
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