Recommended hog hunts in the East

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Jun 12, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
I'm hoping to take my 2 sons (17 and 15) on a hog hunt this winter or spring someplace within driving distance of Pittsburgh (5-6 hours in any direction). If that's not possible, we may be willing to take a short flight. We have hunted deer, beer, small game, etc in PA but never hogs so we would want a good guide and facilities to process the meat, etc. Any recommendations? I would also be interested in recommended rifles -- we own a large range of calibers and styles but I'm not sure what's best for hogs. Thanks in advance.
Here's a link to the National Feral Swine Monitoring System.

It should give you a pretty good idea about where they are.

Looks like there's some just to the SW of Pittsburgh in Ohio.
I'm hoping to take my 2 sons (17 and 15) on a hog hunt this winter or spring someplace within driving distance of Pittsburgh (5-6 hours in any direction). If that's not possible, we may be willing to take a short flight. We have hunted deer, beer, small game, etc in PA but never hogs so we would want a good guide and facilities to process the meat, etc. Any recommendations? I would also be interested in recommended rifles -- we own a large range of calibers and styles but I'm not sure what's best for hogs. Thanks in advance.

"We have hunted"

Well, you're the father, but 15 may be a little young. :rolleyes:
Beer is the only thing I can go hunting for and bag some every time:) Season is open year round, save holidays and Sundays.
Rock Island Ranch, 281.744.5228.

This was filed away from a post a few years ago. It's NW of Houston and I'd thought about taking a trip up there. IIRC from the discussion, it wasn't terribly expensive. The guy had recommended it as a great hunt. Since then I've sorta had a hog explosion on my place, although they're nocturnal for the most part, but can't see paying for a hunt anymore.

Dang, why did I think the OP said Texas? Never mind. :rolleyes:
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Speedo66, the hunting history was collective. My 15 y/o hasn't hunted bear, just so we're clear. Deer only for him.

Thanks for the links, I'll check them out.
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Speedo66, the hunting history was collective. My 15 y/o hasn't hunted bear, just so we're clear. Deer only for him.

Thanks for the links, I'll check them out.

My apologies, please don't take me seriously. I was only kidding about the misspelling of "beer" for bear.
Wilderness Hunting Preserve in TN may work for you, they have plenty of hogs and several other animals most any time.
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