Red Ryder, Yellow Jackets, and Randolph Scott

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Jun 9, 2003
Texas Hill Country
Last week at the shooting range, I didn't see a Yellow Jackets' nest and got too close. Got stung 4 or 5 times on the back of the head (through my cap). Hurt like the devil. But, it reminded me of a Foolish Thing I did as a kid.

In the summer of 1950, when I was 12 years old, Yellow Jackets built a nest on the inside rear wall of a garage/storeage shed. The Foolish Thing I did was deciding to have sport with the little devils by shooting the nest with my Red Ryder B-B gun. I would shoot the nest, then real quick jump back around the corner of the doorway. Well, Yellow Jackets must be smarter than 12-year old boys because after the third or fourth shot one flew around the corner with me and stung me under the right eyebrow. I guess he figured that if my right eye swelled shut it would spoil my aim and I would leave them alone - which is exactly what happened. That eye was swelled shut for a full week. (But I did later get my revenge by tying rags around the end of a long pole, soaking them in coal-oil, and burning the nest out. No, I didn't burn the shed down.)

Adding insult to injury, when the eye was about half open a new Randolph Scott movie came to the local drive-in. IIRC, it was "Colt .45" and the advertising posters showed a pair of 1851 Navies. I believe that was the first time I had seen (pictures) of the '51 Navy and I thought it was the most handsome pistol ever. Wanted to see that movie so bad I could taste it.

"Mom, would you take me to see the Randolph Scott picture show?"
"No, I'm afraid it would hurt your eye."
"But I'll keep my right eye closed and just watch with my left eye."
"That's the eye I'm talking about, I'm afraid you'll strain it."
End of discussion.

Never did get to see the movie and have done 'net searches to try and find it but have not been successful. May be remembering the title wrong.

How about you folks. Ever done a Foolish Thing?

More than my share of dip-s*** moves in my life.....Sometimes, I seriously question how I made in this far on the 'highway of life'. . . . . . {like 'egging' the passing city PD car on Haloween during my somewhat mis-spent youth, but I digress....}

But yeah, i ONCE took on a nest of "paper-nest" wasps [the variety that makes sort of cone-shaped gray-paper looking nest]

Lets just say that they flew much faster than i could re-cock, aim and fire the Daisy

Wasps 25 or so
Me 2
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mcneill, funny story.

sawdust, you're batting .500! That's good in baseball. Of course, it's an E in everything else. :)
Sawdust - me too.

Omni04 - did that too. It was before I wore glasses, but the B-B hit me in the forehead.:rolleyes:

Parker Dean - Thanks, I'll try that.

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